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Phandroid News Updated – Version 1.0.4!


Since the dawn of time I’ve been getting EMails from folks who have downloaded Phandroid News with two main complaints:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  1. It saves images to the SD Card in a manner that completely foobars my entire gallery.
  2. It force closes

android-market-bag2Both of these issues should now be fixed no Phandroid News Version 1.0.4 which you can now download on Android Market. While it does still save images to SD Card it now saves them in a separate folder and you can easily delete them by pressing Menu > Delete All Data.

I’m not even sure why the force close issue cropped up in the first place but it appears to be fixed. I had several people with 1.5 cupcake test the app and it worked perfectly. PLEASE BE PATIENT when it is loading – if you haven’t fetched any articles in awhile it will probably take some time and tinkering with the device while it is loading won’t help your force close issue.. that is for sure.

Also note the new Phandroid News Icon:


We showed you the designn of this icon live on video – check it out if you haven’t yet, pretty cool little tutorial for designing android application icons.

First of all, we have a BUNCH of new features planned for the Phandriod News android application but I wanted to push this little update out first to help all the people who have been Emailing me. The next version of Phandroid News likely won’t come for several weeks as we have OTHER great news and developments to bring you.

Trust me when I say we’re working hard to make this the #1 Android site on the planet (and… in the Galaxy hehe)

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. a widget would be very cool

  2. it’s fubar, not foobar. duh

  3. In old english its Fubar.
    In UNIX its foobar.

    P.S. How can Phandroid be the best site in the galaxy, when Samsung won’t release the galaxy until the end of the month?

    Ha Ha!

  4. Wow, dbrown. With you all of the important things you have to do on your schedule, it’s great that you’re able to take time out of your day to make these corrections. If you hadn’t, who knows what would happen to the internet.

  5. Actually, when you are coding it is foobar. Foo and its relation to bar.

  6. Yep, I’m trying to make the internet a better place for everyone. You can thank me later.

  7. ummmm i think i have to agree with dbrown. fubar is an acronym for F***ed Up Beyond All Recognition. i dont think foobar would be as funny.

  8. I’m unable to delete “Acer” from my card. All others were deleted. I enjoy Phandroid. Thanks.


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