ECS T800 Android Netbook (Video)

The cool thing to do these days is announce you’re working on an Android Netbook, possibly even show a prototype, but leave a bunch of the pieces to the puzzle missing. That is exactly what ECS did at the Computex show with their T800 Netbook.

They had the sexy netbook on display with a specs card sitting next to it. And guess that spec card indicated? That it would run Android OS!

Those specs in text form:

I thought it was interesting to note the “WiMax” in those specs. But even more interesting is the live video of the device performed by Sascha from

As you can see the prototype is not a working model and the netbook isn’t even turned on, which leaves us no choice but to believe that they’ll deliver this in 2nd Half of 2009. But even if THEY believe it, that doesn’t mean we won’t see delays, which seem to be commonplace at this point in Android’s life cycle.

The Android Revolution is inevitably coming… and it isn’t only about mobile phones.

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