Rogers HTC Dream & Magic Have Exchange Support

Canadian Android fans have been waiting… and waiting… and waiting…  for an Android Phone to launch in their neck of the woods. On June 2nd that wait will be over as Rogers Wireless will make the HTC Dream and HTC Magic available to its customers and that patient waiting… and waiting… will be further rewarded: Rogers HTC Dream and Magic phones have Microsoft Exchange Support.

We learned this through the EngadgetMobile unboxing unsafing yesterday. The phone showed up on their porch in, you guessed it, a safe:

Because the base Google Android Code does not support Exchange and HTC/Rogers altered Android to incorporate this feature, it is not considered a “Google Experience” phone and therefore does not have google branding on it. But don’t fret – it still has all the Google goodies that have come to make Android your favorite mobile operating system.

We’ve heard prices ranging from $149.99 to $199.99 and you can assume that the actual price will end up being somewhere in that window. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Dream was a little cheaper at a launch but personally, I would still take the Dream over the Magic even if it was the Dream that was more expensive. But I’m a hardware keyboard kinda guy so… yeah.

This has to make Canadians happy, eh?

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