
Vodafone Announces HTC Magic Pre-Order (3 Days Later…)


On Friday, April 17th we were among the first to tell our readers that the HTC Magic was available for pre-order. We don’t really want to toot our own horn… the entire interwebz should get credit for the great coverage across all the top tech sites I’m sure you’re familiar with by now. But I found it slightly hysterical that the last source to announce the HTC Magic for pre-order was… Vodafone themselves. Kinda.

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I literally JUST got the following in my Email inbox:


The above came as part of an Email list that Vodafone collected for those who expressed interest in the HTC Magic and wanted to be notified when more details were available. In defense of Vodafone, I’m sure there is a good reason for this. My guess is that they EXPECT everyone and their mother to make blog posts and write articles about the phone going on sale and that initial surge of traffic provides a nice “test” to make sure everything runs smoothly. If something proves wonky, they have plenty of time to fix it up.

Or there could be several other reasons:

  • The pre-order launched Friday and they didn’t plan for anyone to send it on a weekend
  • They wanted to send the Email on a Monday when more people would be checking their inboxes and see the notification
  • Their logistics simply aren’t that well thought out

I’ve seen this happen with other phones on other carriers as well. The news sites and tech blogs seem to publish the information before the carriers themselves! In any case, I just thought this was interesting and I’m sure a number of you got the same email as me just now. Or perhaps you got it earlier or still havent’ gotten it… let us know in the comments.

If this proves 1 thing it is that you should definitely subscribe to our RSS feed so you’re the first to know about all the great Android news… you know, before the carriers tell you themselves.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. This must be just for UK then? Vodafone Spain haven’t said a thing yet, I’ve signed up on the website, but no emails so far :(

  2. I only received my email from Vodafone UK around 8pm last night when I had already preordered…

  3. I still haven’t received my notification e-mail from Voda despite registering for updates at the earliest opportunity, and receiving the first “its coming soon” e-mail about two weeks ago :-(

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