Ultimate Boot CD On Android

I’m not going to pretend to know the ins-and-outs of the Ultimate Boot CD but one of my best friends, Mr. Interwebz, helped sum it up: “UBCD is an awesome PC diagnostics tool that condenses over 100 useful PC diagnostics and hardware troubleshooting tools into a single easy to use interface.”

Now you can boot it from a USB drive. Android boots from a USB drive. If you can’t draw a conclusion from this paragraph, please click the red X in the upper right hand corner of the page.

The blogger from Logical Tech published a step-by-step on getting it done (with help from pendrivelinux) and once you’ve followed in his footsteps, you’ll be able to boot up UBCD on your good old Dell PC with the smack of an F12:

Anyone who actually DOES this… let us know if you come across any cool information in the process. Otherwise we’ll pass this off as some tech geekery that’ unneccessary for the vast majority of the planet. But cool nonetheless… cool nonetheless.

Hit up the Ultimate Boot CD at, not suprisingly, http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/

[Via EngadgetMobile]

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