How To Instantly Ruin Your Credibility

Want to how to instantly ruin your credibility in regards to mobile technology? Publish an article comparing and rating the Palm WebOS, iPhone, Android, BlackBerry and Windows Mobile… and then… declare Windows Mobile the overwhelming winner.

That’s exactly what did when they took Gizmodo’s Pre/Android/iPhone article and added BlackBerry and WinMo to the mix. The comparison looks at 16 different categories, divvying out 1 point for each and the final scoreboard was:

I’m not going to be a crybaby and say that Android should definitely be #1… but dead last with less than half of a point while WINDOWS MOBILE IS TIED FOR FIRST WITH A PHONE THAT HASN’T YET BEEN RELEASED.

I hereby dub thee the laughing stock of the blogging world and request that the interweb gods either strip them legally of domain name ownership or forward their domain to a Rick Roll. I mean really, this is just inexcusable.

I understand that this isn’t news and I know that not everyone loves Android and believes in the pure potential as I do… but this article is just filled with epic fail at a level so high on the totem pole of failage that I had to include it.

I’m still in shock. I mean… really?

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