HKC Pearl: Android Hybrid Affection

Take a usually cheap knock off phone, throw in Windows Mobile and Android operating systems onto it and what do you have? A cheap way to catch our attention.

Chinese company HKC has done their best HTC impersonation with a device dubbed the Pearl – it bares an undeniable resemblence to the latter company’s stylistic impressions:

Not bad looking, right? And the ability to run Windows Mobile OR Android on the same device is a pretty darn neat novelty. For now, consider it just that… a novelty that won’t find a home outside China. But its very possible that a dual-OS mobile device hits the masses within the next year.

Meanwhile, phandroid reader and AndroidForums member Droideo, who also runs, tracked down the following video of the HKC Pearl:

The OS is in Chinese and the music is as obnoxiously annoying as Barbara Streisdand on blast, but if you can endure the eardrum damage you’ll see that even though it looks like a fake HTC, the HKC Pearl is for real.

[Via Android Forums, Engadget China]

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