Browser Based Flash Coming to Android

It looks like our nifty, new little OS is getting another one-up over our favorite Apple device in the coming months. Adobe has now all but announced that one of their flagship services, Flash, will be coming to an Android browser near you (let’s hope it’s very near you!). Specifically, Adobe announced forthcoming support for many devices using ARM’s hardware.

This is an interesting development, in that Android will now gain another feature that the iPh@#& doesn’t currently have. It seems that with benefits such as a more open development platform, copy and paste, and now Adobe Flash support, Google is focusing on features that users have been pleading for for close to a year. With the large proliferation of handsets attempting to mimic the iPh@#&, Google is moving away from the “copy and paste Apple’s ideas” strategy, to giving users what they want and listening to the community as much as possible.

This presents an interesting dynamic with the handsets of the future. Obviously, the Android and Mobile OS X platforms are two of the most promising mobile OSes in the market today. But the two companies who develop them have two very differing philosophies as to openness and development. We will continue to report on how Android develops and competes on a business and market scale. In the meantime, let’s hear some fanboyage on!

We also found a sample video of Flash 10 on Android in action! Check it out:

[via Adobe]

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