Devs: Publish Your Android Applications… NOW!

The (actual) Android Market is now officially opened to developers from far and near lands to submit their Android Applications for publication! Yup, its another landmark day for Google, Android, the OHA and of course T-Mobile who should see an incredibly influx of new applications available on their G1.

And for G1 owners that of course means lots and lots of fun, exciting and useful things will start popping up in that little robot shopping bag. Clear out the rest of your week and make way for whole lot of application downloading and testing.

For those that aren’t able to clear off their entire schedule, we understand. The best alternative is to stay glued to and join the discussion at and you’ll have a front row seat as it all unfolds.

And developers… if you missed the link above, let me make that easy for you. Submit your applications for publication here:

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