Android Touch Screen QWERTY: Coming Soon…

Ask any G1 owner to make a list of complaints or shortcomings of their phone’s software and almost every list would include that the lack of a Virtual, Touch Screen Qwerty Keyboard was rather annoying. They won’t have to be annoyed for THAT much longer.

In early 2009, it appears as though the Android OS will feature an update that includes a virtual keyboard. PHEW! While the PHYSICAL full Qwerty Keyboard is a huge asset of the G1 according to most, simple things like typing in your login/passwords, initialing your High Score in a game and small tasks like that always require you slide open the G1. That can be a hassle.

Its unfortunate that it will take at least 3 months to complete an update, but at least its coming, right? In the meantime, hopefully a 3rd party developer can fill in that gap. But seeing as how its already “scheduled” we’re guessing developers aren’t exactly scampering to code a solution themselves.

The onscreen QWERTY is said to include a dictionary of suggestions and a suggestion algo that will make the task of typing on screen much easier. This update can’t come soon enough!

[Via Android Roadmap, Gizmodo – Thanks Jake!]

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