Android Market: Most Downloaded Apps & Stats

The G1 has only been officially “on the market” for a day but early birders have had their phone’s for almost a week now. The Android Market is – for obvious reasons – the top destination on the G1 and already some interesting statistics are popping up.

The folks at Medialets have put together some interesting statistical charts and comparisons that are worth a closer look. Take for example this list of the Top 9 most downloaded applications with the Average Rating and Number of Reviews for each of the applications:

We can’t say we’re surprised with the results here… ShopSavvy has been a heavily flaunted application, even appearing on posters in T-Mobile stores on G1 launch day. The “Weather Channel” is one of the most basica and helpful apps and the brand name power of apps like MySpace Mobile and WikiMobile Encylopedia make them obvious choices.

Take a look at the distribution of download numbers for the various applications:

Seems to follow the bell curve with the majority of apps being downloaded 1,000 to 5,000 times while very FEW applications were downloaded less than 1,000 times. People are obviously checking out the market and downloading all the apps they can try that seem somewhat useful and/or reasonable.

So how does the Android Market compare to the iPhone App Store, 24 hours after the official launch of each? Medialets took a look at this, too:

Android seems to have more Lifestyle and Productivity Apps than the iPhone Store did 24 hours into the game, but lets face it… this is probably the least telling of all the charts. The fact is that the Android Market is a marathon and not a sprint so how fast the apps pile up right out of the gate is relatively un-important. But still, fun information just for the sake of statistics.

[Via Medialets]

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