
T-Mobile G1 Selling Like Hotcakes


The T-Mobile G1 Pre-Orders racked up so quickly that earlier this week they were forced to momentarily halt all new orders. It didn’t take long to get the system back up and running but with a message that will thrill some and devastate others:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Already ordered your T-Mobile G1? If you ordered before October 3, 2008 it will be delivered right to your door as early as October 22, 2008*.

That’s truly great. But what about folks who have yet to order it, want to order tomorrow or whatever?

Order yours before October 21, 2008, and it will be delivered as early as November 10, 2008.* After all, as a loyal customer, you deserve to get what you want—when you want it.

Okay… so as a loyal customer what if I want mine before November 10th? Like… by October 22nd when all the other loyal customers are getting theirs? Too bad.

So did HTC really have to go back to the drawing board and up the production levels to fulfill unit demand by November 10th? Did they purposefully create a shortage to build hype and buzz? I’m not sure we’ll ever know.

But whats REALLY crazy is that this demand is ONLY for EXISTING T-Mobile customers. What happens when the floodgates open? Will Verizon, AT&T, Sprint, Alltel, etc… customers flock to T-Mobile to get their hands on a G1?

There HAS to be a lot of strategizing and plotting behind the scenes – there IS a method to this madness – but we’ll never know what the raw, untamed conversations behind corporate doors contains. I imagine they want the G1 to create a spectacle. Only allow a select group to own it and in the time frame of when THEY get it and its available at RETAIL, start a ridiculous marketing push that will have everyone wanting one but nobody selling them.

People want something they can’t have. Especially when they see other people have it… and those other people are showing off all the awesome features to them.

Its a good move and I assume thats what they’re doing. Of course, I’m just speculating as to what I’d do if I was marketing the device… I think they’re playing their cards well. What do you think?

[Via T-MobileG1.com]

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

T-Mobile G1 Unboxing Pictures

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  1. G1 is iphone killa. You just cant compare to the the Andriod OS….

  2. What do I think? I think I want my G1 :) Glad I ordered on day #1, hope we don’t read of ‘delayed shipments’ on 10/21

  3. Don´t forget the floodgates to Europe! =)

  4. I’d just be happy if I got the price break on it. As it is, it will be next summer before I’ve hit my 22 months. Until then it would be cheaper for me to spring to the iPhone than to stay with T-Mobile. Not planning to do that, of course, but it would have been nice if folks could get the discount with a two year extension rather than having to be within two months of the end of their current contract…

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