Google I/O Begins… Now

Google I/O is Google’s largest event for Developer’s and it begins today (May 28-29, 2008). Described by Google as “Two days of in-depth, technical sessions on how to build the next generation of web applications with Google and open technologies,” they list AJAX/Java, Maps & Geo, Social Applications, APIs & Tools and Mobile as the core areas of interest.

Seems like an amazing opportunity to showcase Android, right? Only 2 Android sessions are planned: Introduction to Android and then Building an Application for Android 101, both hosted by Jason Chen.

At first glance it seems like Android is taking somewhat of a back seat, but when we spoke to Eric Chu, he was extremely reluctant to let me get away with that remark and suggested otherwise. He couldn’t provide any details but said that Android would definitely have a presence at Google I/O and reinforced that Google’s main focus is on working with OHA members to get the platform completed so that everyone CAN have full access.

So what CAN developer’s expect from Google I/O?

TechCrunch has the skinny on what could be the biggest announcement of Google I/O – the waiting period for the Google App Engine has been lifted and extra bandwidth/storage will be available for purchase at the following rates:

Free quota to get started: 500MB storage and enough CPU and bandwidth for about 5 million pageviews per month
$0.10 – $0.12 per CPU core-hour
$0.15 – $0.18 per GB-month of storage
$0.11 – $0.13 per GB outgoing bandwidth
$0.09 – $0.11 per GB incoming bandwidth

Considering that a whopping 75,000 are already in the program and another 100,000+ are on the waiting list, this is pretty significant. Not only that, but apps that formerly exceeded their limits were just cut off. One has to wonder if Google will extend their Google App Engine model for use with Android Applications? I guess only time will tell.

In the meantime, we’re really excited for what developer’s will learn at Google I/O and only wish we could make it out there. Google has so many powerful pieces to their puzzle that fit together in synergistic ways. Think Google Maps API, OpenSocial integration, Google Data APIs, Google Gears, Friend Connect… and the list goes on.

If you think Android has been somewhat “left out” of Google I/O then you’re about to be rudely awakened. All of these amazing developer tools are resources Developer’s should be tapping for their Android Applications. Utilizing the awesome products and services that Google already has with Android integration will birth some of the most amazing applications out there.

So Developer’s who aren’t attending Google I/O, take a close look at the agenda and get yourself up to speed with EVERYTHING Google has to offer. Afterall, part of Android’s purpose is to use the platform to leverage their existing and emerging products and services. And you shouldn’t do it because you’re a sheep following the Mr. Google Sheppard… you should do it because it’s one of the best ways to create amazingly interactive, real-time, rich applications that provide the greatest benefit to your users.

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