Get Your Android Game On

Mobile Applications aren’t the only hope bestowed upon the Champion of Open Mobile OS, Android. In fact, the whole thing sounds a bit serious. So to lighten things up we want to remind you that Open and Games play very, very nice together.

We’re extremely excited about what Android could mean for the Mobile Gaming world. The opportunities, like all else discussed with Android, are endless. But here are a few finite games that you’ll see popping up on Android screens before the year is over.

Wi-Fi Army
Your cell phone is your “gun” and the actual earth is your battlefield. You can form teams of up to 100 as Wi-Fi Army will bascially transform your mobile device into an All Out Laser Tag Extravaganza… at anywhere at any time. Wow… just WOW.

Imagine a group of kids deciding to just up and play this in the middle of a shopping mall? No Skateboarding signs beware… you may soon have some company!

A space shooter game where you can buy and sell weapons to improve your ship, Spacebugs looks pretty cool as far as basic games go. There are 8 “final” bosses spanning 8 planets and 50 levels. What seems most intriguing is the ability to operate and maneuver two ships at one time with fairly intuitive controls. And, the ability to submit your high scores online is a nice touch.

Omnisoft Games
They submitted 10 3D games to the Android Developer’s Challenge and games and made a sub-division called OmniG Soft. Here are there games:

Parallel Kingdom
Described as an online medieval role playing game, it is kind of like Sim City using the Real World as the “Map” with competitors constantly around you. This is a fantastic use of Android’s Capabilities. There is currently a beta signup for the game on the Parallel Kindom Website to which we warn you – it could be addictive. I mean, what happens if it’s 3am on a work day but your castle in North Carolina is being infiltrated by English Rastafarians?

Monolith Android
Virtually a ho-hum renamed version of Tetris. See for yourself.

EDU Blaster
A math game where a problem floats on the screen and answers fly past and you have to choose the right one. Ehhhh maybe we don’t care so much because we aren’t teachers… but I still think the old school Super Number Munchers blows this game out of the water. Check them out.

Our Opinions?
We are most excited about Wi-Fi Army and Parallel Kingdom because they embrace the new opportunities that Android provides and use their games to provide new gaming experiences that will usher in the Mobile Gaming Revolution.

[Via BGR, TalkAndroid]

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