
Samsung will supposedly skip the Galaxy Note 6 and go right to the Galaxy Note 7 this year


Why did 6 hate 7? Because 7 8 9. I’ve always loved that joke. Well, in the case of the Samsung Galaxy Note 6, 6 might hate 7 because it might be completely forgotten about as Samsung potentially leaps to the Samsung Galaxy Note 7 for this year’s launch.

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That’s the word from ETNews, anyway, who claims to have heard it from a high-ranking marketing executive at Samsung. So, why the big number jump?

It’s not because they feel they have some huge breakthrough on their hands or some super innovative feature we’ve never heard of (though an iris scanner would be nice). Instead, Samsung’s motive is purely driven by marketing.

The company supposedly feels that potential buyers can get the feeling that the Samsung Galaxy Note 6 will be outdated since the company’s other flagship — the Galaxy S7 — has a higher model number. As silly as it sounds, they have a point, and we imagine there are more than a few people out there who would come to such a conclusion if they didn’t know anything about the phones other than the names.

Techies like us will always know that the devices released in the same calendar year are in line with each other (in the case of the Galaxy Note, it’s typically a bit more advanced than the Samsung Galaxy S lineup when it comes to features and specs). But the same can’t be said for the average Joe Schmo who’s just doing some window shopping at their local carrier.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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