
Googler says Android 5.1.1 rollout for the Nexus 9 is around the corner, blames last minute bugs for delay


Nexus 9 DSC07282

Last night we saw Android 5.1.1 Lollipop factory images made available for the Nexus 7 WiFi (2013 and 2012) as well as Nexus 10. But strangely missing from that group was the more recently launched Nexus 9 which, as it turns out, has yet to receive even the initial 5.1 update.

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While the factory image for the Nexus 9 still isn’t available quite yet, a Googler on Google+ chimed in on the holdup. Although he admits not working directly on the Nexus 9, he did say that the team found some last minute bugs and once dealt with, a rollout should commence and isn’t far out.

We know, it’s not much, but it should help give at least a little peace of mind to those of you wondering where Android 5.1.1 was for the Nexus 9. Hang in there. We’re still waiting on cellular equipped Nexus smartphones and tablets.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. ???

  2. And what about the N5 and N6?

    1. Sounds like last 2 minute bugs. Ah? Yea? Because before it was one device, so 1 minute… and now you… have… two… devices… so….. yea… never mind. ._.

  3. Where is n6? Google why?

  4. Where is the Nexus 6 update?

  5. i have both an N6 and an N9, i’m not in any desperate need for updating them, both are working fine the way they are.

  6. Nexus 6 update please.

  7. Google needs an apple style lawsuit to address their lies that the newest nexus device will get all the updates first. Ever since lollipop my n6 and n9 have consistently received the update last, with tons of bugs. This is past redoculous. I gave these guys $1000. Make this right.

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