
Verizon LG G2 now receiving Lollipop


lg g2 lollipop vzw

A new Lollipop upgrade is rolling in for users of Verizon’s LG G2. It’ll take you to version VS98039A, and aside from the usual Lollipop bits — like improved notification panel and lock screen notifications — it’ll bring about a flat new user interface as featured on the LG G3, as well as new-style Lollipop navigation buttons.

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Other new features include searchable settings, an “avoid bad WiFi connection” feature to make sure you don’t connect to WiFi networks that don’t have an internet connection, the ability to “pin” apps to make it so that you can only use that one app until it’s unpinned, rearrangeable navigation buttons, and floating action buttons for the clock, contacts, email, messaging and music apps.

You can check out the full update notes over at AndroidForums.com, but if you’re just interested in getting this bad boy loaded onto your phone simply head to Settings > About Phone and check for the update. Make sure your battery is comfortable charged and that you’re on a WiFi network to make sure things go according to plan.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. LG UI is disgusting, they need to introduce a theme engine also.

    1. They don’t need to. You can change the icons on the fly…on some LG phones anyway.

  2. Have to wait until I get home to update

  3. My Verizon LG G3 does not have Lollipop. Did I miss something? This article implies that I should have it already.

  4. And my note 4 from Verizon still doesn’t have lollipop seriously!?

    1. Same thing on T-mobile…you aren’t alone.

  5. same thing is happening with the htc one m7 on ATT. @mo versi on twitter says its getting OTA to lollipop tomorrow before the ATT m8. seriously? lol I mean its good these devices are getting updated but its all over the place. ATT note 3 and 4 get lollipop but no s5 love yet, now the m7 before the m8 and if im not wrong here, the moto x 2nd generation hasn’t been updated.

  6. Any news from AT&T?

  7. Hopefully, this fixes the Knock On bug that’s been going on for over a year.

  8. Maybe Verizon’s holding off for 5.1 on the G3???

  9. How is a verizon G2 getting lollipop before my ATT HTC One M8

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