
I tried the new HTC Vive Virtual Reality Headset and it blew my mind [VIDEO]


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Blown away: that was my reaction after demoing HTC’s new virtual reality headset – the Vive – at Mobile World Congress. It will be available to consumers later this year, and depending on price, could absolutely change the game. To say it left me speechless would, well…

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Explaining the HTC Vive experience is like telling a friend about a dream you had last night… it’s nearly impossible, but you try anyways, and fail miserably. There is no substitute for its visual immersion or interactive experience. If a picture is worth a thousand words than I think the HTC Vive just exploded my brain.

The 15-Minute Demo

I was given a 15-minute window to demo the HTC Vive…. here is what happened.

Suiting up

My time with the HTC Vive was short but epic. I entered a small room and they suited me up in the gear which, for now, is quite cumbersome, with a lot of wires held up by a belt and connected to the main computer system. The consumer version, HTC ensures, will be wireless- including both the Vive headset itself and the two handheld controllers that act as your virtual arms.


The front of the Vive has sensors all over it, which communicate with sensors placed in opposite corners of the room on the ceiling. How will this work for the version sold to consumers? I’m not exactly sure, but I’m guessing HTC has some tricks up their sleeve.

After strapping on the headset, I saw two handheld controllers floating towards me, quickly realizing it was the HTC representative walking over and handing them to me. It was surprising how natural the process was of identifying the controllers, realizing I was to take action, reaching out, and grabbing them.

The controllers were Wii like in nature but with a trackpad for each thumb, trigger for each pointer finger, and grip buttons on the left and right of each controllers base. For the purpose of this demo, I only used the triggers and trackpad.

Training in the Matrix

The start of the “training” truly felt like the Matrix:

Everything in the HTC Vive starting scenario was like the scene above. Just one big, white, endless sea of nothing. Before walking around, I had to learn to use my arms. We did this by blowing balloons.

Balloons Away

Holding down on the left trackpad would inflate a colored balloon from the tip of the (graphical representation of) the controller. You’d hear that *gkwwwoooooosh* sound while inflating it and just as you let go of the trackpad it would complete. Then there it would sit- a bright, cartoonish yet lifelike balloon on the tip of your controller in a completely white room.

“Try to send the balloon off,” the HTC rep suggested.


So holding the balloon with my left controller, I tapped it with my right controller, and off it went! It floated away in such a beautiful and natural way, slowly disappearing into the distance. After getting the okay to continue with more, I was soon looking every which direction, inflating balloons, sending them off, and spinning in wonderment at how awesome it was that I felt transported to a completely different place.

Little did I know the fun was just starting.

Learning my boundaries

Most virtual reality headsets let you crane your neck to explore the virtual world around you, but the HTC Vive takes that one step further. With the Vive you’re able to physically walk around in real life, and while doing so, you’re visually exploring the virtual world shown in your headset. This really helps the Vive make the leap from being a voyeur to being an active participant.

But you’re in a room, wearing a headset, and you don’t want to run into a wall and fall down. The HTC Rep vocally guided me to walk towards the wall, pointing out that as I approached, I’d see dotted warning lines on the ground. Just after that you could see virtual walls. Two feet beyond that were real life walls, basically meaning I had 2 visual warnings/indicators before crashing.

Walking around seeing one world but knowing I’m in another was a bit… disorienting at first.

Spoiler: I survived

After tiptoeing around a little bit I was placed in a room of vertically protruding white geometric blocks. While walking around the room they would recede into the ground before my eyes, almost predicting my steps before I took them. The room was reacting to my every movement.

After a couple minutes I was ready for the big leagues… and by leagues I mean unit of measurement, as in 20,000 leagues under the sea.

Walking on the deck of a sunken ship

Ready for my first full adventure, my headset lights were first dimmed to black. When they raised up, I was standing on the deck of a sunken ship in the middle of the ocean. As I wheeled my head around I felt surrounded by a living, breathing world around me.

The colors and shadows were rich and dynamic. Small schools of fish snuck from behind me, zipping past my head, through my legs, and jetting into the distance when I reached my arms in their direction. Then suddenly I realized… I have no clue where I am in the physical world. In only a few short minutes I completely lost my sense of direction in the physical world in favor of the virtual world I was experiencing. I truly felt like I was in a different world.

I felt like Finding Nemo. And I was Nemo. And then the whale came.

That’s exactly what happened next. In the distance, I spotted a whale majestically maneuvering in the distance. Then it got closer. Then a little closer. Then closer. Then CLOSER. Before you knew it, the monstrous creature was swimming directly next to the rail of the ship. I was, quite literally, looking directly into the eye of the giant beast.

I can’t truly explain how lifelike it was to see the whale swim, watch it gradually approach, then walk towards it as we met eye to eye. I also can’t explain the feeling when it swam away, seeing its powerful tail slither, wondering if one quick whip would blow me and my virtual ship clear out of the water. But it didn’t… it calmly swam away and I was left to peacefully explore the edges of the ship once again.

Up to this point an ear-to-ear smile was strapped to my face and I was pretty much left in awe… but pretty soon I’d exclamations would be pouring out of my mouth.

Symphony of Painting

Back to a blank canvas. And this time, I literally mean blank canvas, because in the next demo I became an artist in a 3D world with magical paint. My left hands was the palette, my right hand was the brush, and the rest was up to me. Using the trackpad I could scroll through a 3D cube of options, changing paint colors and types of paint/features, and dipping my right controller into the left palette to make selections.

Now… to paint!

While painting with the HTC Vive I felt a bit like I was Mickey in Fantasia. You know, the part right after he dozes off, paints the sky, and controls the heavens with his magic wand.

As you swiped your brush around the sky it left a trail of textures in colors that looked amazing. It was one thing to be creating 3D art but to walk within it, through it, simultaneously creating it was pretty magical.

HTC has said they’ll allow you to save and share your masterpieces, letting you load and experience the 3D art that your friends and others create. I know there are some outrageously artistic and creative people in the world and I can’t wait to see what they’ll come up with… the HTC Vive is an artists dream and will push the boundaries of what we currently consider “art”.

I wrote my name – ROB – at different angles and levels, then painted a blue fiery arrow blasting through the letter “O”. My 3rd grade art teacher Mrs. Wallace would be proud. But mostly proud of HTC.

My virtual ink didn’t run out but it was time to change subjects, jumping to something a little more scientific.

Shop Class in Robot Land

I was transported to a workshop of sorts after finishing my masterpiece and was led through a series of puzzles. I was using my hands/controllers to open and close various drawers to find what my audio host suggested he needed me to find. Every time I completed a puzzle, the story would further unfold. I couldn’t help but think, “this would make the perfect setting for a murder mystery!”


At this point my mind was so firmly blown that – like a dream – I’m having trouble piecing together all the details and parts of what unfolded in those 15 minutes. The walls collapsed, huge rooms beyond the boundaries of my area were exposed, and I saw gigantic robots toiling around.

One of them was thrust into my immediate vicinity, its ribcage slid open, thousands of mechanical moving gears and parts exposed,  and I was tasked with fixing its broken interior.

It was a mini-game.

If I’m being honest, it took me way longer to figure out the mini-game than I would like to admit. Perhaps that’s because my mind was still wandering, thinking of all the applications that the HTC Vive could excel beyond just entertainment and gaming.

How amazing would it be for medical students to explore the human body and practice various types of surgery using the HTC Vive? How about a mechanic in training, learning all the parts of a vehicle and following a tutorial before diving in on the one directly in front of him? How about an educational tool to teach physics? Or how about physics based drawing/puzzle games?!?!

And my time is up…

My time with the HTC Vive had come to an end. The 15 minutes had flown by so quickly, yet somehow, I felt like I saw and experienced so many incredible things. They were vivid in my memory, but because I felt so connected to the experiences themselves, I found it difficult to explain them in a way meaningful enough to let others appreciate it.

As predicted, I’ve probably failed at helping you appreciate how awesome the HTC Vive truly is. You’ll have to either take my word for it or buy one for yourself; they will, after all, be available later this year.

Bottom Line

The HTC Vive was the single most exciting thing at Mobile World Congress 2015 and when it’s all said and done, it’s very possible that the HTC Vive could be the tech product of the year. We’ve been served up so many subpar VR “experiences” but none of them have touched what HTC has created. It’s the most immersive, vivid, and entertaining VR experience on earth. And it will be available later this year.

In a world where mobile manufacturers have over-hyped and over marketed every little incremental improvement, customers have grown wary of outrageous promises and claims.

Screen Shot 2015-03-04 at 7.05.20 PM

Usually I’d say the above is marketing jargon and the below is an overhyped promo…


But after actually using the HTC Vive, I can tell you it’s the real deal, and I couldn’t be more excited. I’m already sold… I’m just hoping I’m able to order one before they sell out.

Excited about the HTC Vive? Join thousands of others in our HTC Vive Forum!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Chris you’re really tall man lol

    1. And I’m really short. We should record diagonally next time.

      1. Lmao I didn’t realize el chavez was so tall, thanks guys for all the great work

    2. Rob is actually only 1 foot 9 inches, that’s why Chris looks tall.

      Bah, sniped!

      1. That’s actually false. Rob would have you know he’s 1 foot, 9 and a HALF inches.

        1. More like 1 inch, 9 and a half feet, sucka.

          1. think he just got served….but i’m not certain

  2. Have you tried the Oculus or the Morpheus? If so how does this compare to them?

  3. Same question as WuBoy – your experience reads like someone who hasn’t tried the Oculus yet either…have you used the DK2? I’m more interested in how it compares because the DK2 definitely gives that same WOW factor.

    1. Yes, I’ve tried Oculus but it’s admittedly been awhile. This isn’t just a headset… you’re actually WALKING AROUND while wearing it in a room, not just swiveling your body and moving your head. It adds a completely different dimension to the VR and that extra exploratory opportunity really lets you detach yourself from reality and immerse yourself in the virtual experience.

      1. That’s awesome, but I don’t see how that’s going to be practical for most home environments. Even with the DK2 I’m worried I’m going to turn around one too many times in my chair and pull the PC off the desk. If they can get positional tracking NAILED while sitting so you get the lean forward/back, side to side movement 1 to 1, and then let me see my hands in VR, then I’m sold. The moving around the room piece I think I’m going to be leaving to the AR experiences so I can still see where I’m going. :) I might be more open to the walking around experience with the next few generations of the Gear VR, if I could set up a safe area. Do holodecks come with padding?? lol

        1. or you can be more optimistic and try it before making all those assumptions, just saying

          1. I’m not blindly saying those things, it’s based on experience. :) I really do hope the Vive is successful but I’m past the initial ooooo shiny phase of VR…I want to see it really work for people who don’t have much experience with it. If we get a number of people getting hurt using VR, we’ll start seeing sales restrictions, regulations, and all sorts of things that might hamper the experience. I just want them to proceed cautiously.

        2. Well the Morpheus can do most of what you said. They had that luge demo where you basically just used your head and body’s side to side motion to steer.

      2. Has anyone thought of making a platform you can stand on with belts- like a 360-degree threadmill (not sure how that can be achieved) so you can walk and run without moving in place?

  4. Sounds like you missed the best part? Getting to play Portal with it. Engadget guy said that was the most mind blowing experience of the whole demo.

  5. my first thought when i saw the opening picture? no chris, your hair!!

  6. No one questioned the duck shirt? hmm.

    1. Well the shirt is epic. But nobody questioned the guy picking his nose in the background of that one picture.

      1. I did see that too.. lol. Oh, Amanda said that it must be a Maryland thing. …the duck shirt, not the nose picker.

  7. Well now I’m interested. Just need a price to be able to decide.

  8. That’s pretty cool that Kim Jung-Un tried this out!

    1. There’s nothing cool about Kim Jung-Un

  9. god, the editing in that video is cringe worthy

  10. That thing kooks hilarious.

  11. This will be insane to use in games!

  12. Sounds like you are explaining an acid trip lol. ” then I drew my name with fire and walked through it!” Ha. Very cool

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