
Oddworld Stranger’s Wrath now available for Android, $6 price tag makes this an insta-buy



Ever since picking up a full time job to help support my gaming habit (which, ironically, gave me less to time to actually play video games), there are few games I regret never having the opportunity to play through entirely more than Oddworld: Stranger’s Wrath for the OG Xbox.

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Released back in 2005, Stranger’s Wrath was a breath of fresh air from the cookie cutter WWII first-person shooters that crowded the market. A brilliant spaghetti western set in the far reaches of outer space, even today you’ll be hard pressed to find a game dripping with more personality than Stranger’s Wrath.

Players take control of Stranger, a bounty hunter who must track down and capture outlaws (dead or alive) in return for their generous bounties. The game allows players to jump between first-person and 3rd person viewpoints — 3rd person for traversing the land/platforming, and first-person for more precise aiming/shooting. Speaking of shooting, Stranger utilizes a “live ammunition” system in that the ammo is actually a variety of otherworldly bugs and critters. Two different types of ammo can be equipped at a single time, allowing players to come up with their favorite mix for taking down baddies.

Oddworld Stranger's Wrath Android

The game has been lauded by countless critics during its initial release and more recently, an HD remake was released for the PS3 in 2011. Today, the Android army can now finally take part in one of the best first-person shooters to come along since ever, with Stranger’s Wrath now officially available on Google Play for $6. That’s not bad, considering its console counterparts are priced at $15.

Like a PC game, the developer is providing a list of minimum requirements with additional performance settings available inside the app. For those looking for gamepad support, good news. Stranger’s Wrath offers “complete” dual-analog controller support and even includes specific control layouts for NVIDIA Shield, Moga, XBOX 360, PS3/PS4, and more. Download link provided below.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. No IAPs!! Agree on the instant buy! Game looks great.

  2. No support for the XBOX 360 controller

    1. lol

  3. Android TV support ???

  4. As soon as I’m done with banner saga, this is next. +1 for Moga support!

  5. This game was a great PS Plus pick up for my Vita about a year ago, but have a love hate relationship with it. There’s a popular bug at the end of the game right before the final boss that locked my character behind a wall and the auto save screwed up any chances of me back tracking so i never got around to beating it.

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