The Galaxy Nexus rises from the grave running Android 5.0 Lollipop


Galaxy Nexus Google Now Phandroid

As Galaxy Nexus owners vividly remember, Google essentially abandoned the Samsung Galaxy Nexus last year with KitKat. They cited RAM and the TI processor driver limitations, but of course that didn’t stop the Android community. Last month they released updated drivers which opened the doors for KitKat, and now Lollipop ROMs. It didn’t take long.

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Before the official OTA even reaches current Nexus devices the folks over at XDA have a working Lollipop ROM for the GNex. The ROM is not yet ready for primetime daily driver status, but if you want a taste of Lollipop it’s good to go. Some of the early issues include the stock camera app, mobile data issues, and a few other bugs. Hit up the link below to breathe some sweet life into your Galaxy Nexus.

[via XDA]

Thanks Mike!

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. Long live the insufficient RAM, bad battery life, and badly supported via Verizon Gnex!! How I miss this phone…

    1. How I don’t.

    2. I’m assuming this means it works on the unlocked i9250 and not the Verizon version.

  2. Since the last FIFTY years I have used smartphones. This is the best news ever. Kudo to the folks who succeeded to keep the GNex alive.

  3. this was my first thought but I am glad to see the old GNex breathing new life. :)

  4. Man I loved this phone…i just wish big red didnt f-ck it up big time.

  5. I use my GNEX as my gym music player (hangouts for voice over wifi). I tried the 5.0 ROM and found it was too laggy even for gym use. Restored back to FML ROM 4.4.4 (great rom btw)

  6. Still the best phone ever

  7. I’m surprised I don’t see the HTC HD2. That phone wouldn’t die. I guess it’s gone…

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