
Sprint HTC One M8 (including Harman Kardon Edition) now receiving EYE Experience + Android 4.4.4 update


htc one m8 wm_3

After the Sprint HTC One M8 (and One E8) saw an international WiFi calling update last week, it’s now time for something bigger. Both the T-Mobile and Verizon HTC One M8 have already gotten an update to Android 4.4.4 with HTC’s new EYE Experience. Now that same update is heading to Sprint.

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This update includes both the regular and Harman Kardon models of the One M8, but for whatever reason it seems the E8 was left out this time around. According to HTC VP of Product Mo Versi, the update is scheduled to hit devices as soon as tonight and here’s what you expect from the new camera features:

  • Face Tracking: Track up to 4 faces during a video chat, and ensure that they stay within the camera’s angle of view.
  • Split Capture: Record the action in front of you and yourself at the same time. Or, record the action first and then record a commentary.
  • Face Fusion: Using 2 photos such as your selfie and a photo of your favorite celebrity, try merging your looks together.
  • Voice Selfie: Take a picture or video selfie by just saying “Say Cheese” or “Action.”
  • Live Makeup: Smoothen your skin before taking your selfie.
  • Photo Booth: Take 4 selfies and merge them into a single picture.

This now leaves AT&T as the last major US carrier to push out the update, but given the purpose of the update is mainly to add a few new camera features, we’re sure approval is just around the corner. To check if the update is ready for your device, jump into your Settings > System updates > HTC Software update > Check now. Good luck!

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Did anyone see an update last week? I thought it was pulled. It’s not on Sprint’s website.

    1. NopeI nnever sseen it

  2. Man ATT where the hell are u at??

    1. Seriously wtf

  3. I’m sure AT&T would be faster sending out OTA updates of they got rid 98% of their bloatware .

  4. Got it! @ 12:30 am pst

  5. I never got the other update either

  6. I’m getting mine now. Woohoo! Now, where’s my L?

  7. I wish these phone companies would start offering premium sound and speaker options.

    HTC and Beats were NOT premium sound. That was b.s. hype.

    I would love to see Bose, HK, Polk. Even better would be some Sennheiser options somewhere. I can dream though

    1. Right, they spent all the money on Robert Downey Jr for advertising rather than making a better product.

      1. HTC m8 still is the best mobile device on the planet for all the right reasons, id keep that remark for Apple and Samsung i reckon. who really could make a better product, while HTC is blasting into spaceage, aka spaceage ceramics coming HTC M9.

    2. Then you need to wake up and realise all M8’s have Harman Kardon’s that do sound better than any mobile device on the planet and most laptops.

      1. I have no idea why this comment is directed at me. Do you need some morning coffee because you seem very angry.

        I was simply stating I would prefer to see what HTC attempted here more often. Until now I didnt even know a HK version of M8 was available. I simply saw the headlines and figured it would be nice to point out the fact no one else is doing this,

        Once again I am sorry you;re so angry for no reason. Take a Midol to stop the bleeding

        1. oh my goodness, where do you sense anger at you , you said you want to keep dreaming, so i continued by saying you may wake up cuz your dreams came true! btw coffee is not good for anger its worsening it lol. you are the viscious uncivilized animal, emotions out of control, see, NOW im angry, at you

  8. Ok update if your into selfies but I honestly am happy I switched to T-Mobile and got this update early because I remember last year for any update AT&T gets it like a month and a half late. At least now Android is up to 4.4.4 now all we need is Sense 7 and Lolipop.

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