
Samsung Galaxy Alpha will reportedly be unveiled this Monday, August 4th



There’s been much ado made over the oft leaked Samsung Galaxy Alpha, an upcoming smartphone that could finally see Samsung’s departure from polycarbonate, in favor of cold hard aluminum. Well, that’s the idea anyway. It seems we learn more about the phone with each passing week, and today is no different. Once again the folks at SamMobile are claiming the scoop, receiving word of the device’s expected announcement when all the rumors will finally be laid to rest: Monday, August 4th.

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Only a few weeks ahead of the rumored Galaxy Note 4 unveiling in September, that’s the date Samsung will reportedly make the Galaxy Alpha official, revealing everything we likely already know about the upcoming smartphone. What can we expect? In Samsung’s ongoing effort to blanket the market with as many possible options and hardware configurations (you know, see what sticks), the Galaxy Alpha will feature a blend of mid-range and high-end specs — lower than a Galaxy S5, but higher than the Galaxy S5 Mini.

With that comes a 4.7-inch 720p display, 32GB of internal storage (no micro SD expansion) and a fingerprint scanner. Wrap the device in aluminum and you have the premium Galaxy handset you’ve always wanted, right? Okay, so the device’s lust-worthiness remains to be seen. Something tells us Samsung wont lose any sleep over the success of this phone, they’ll simply release a refreshed model in a couple of months anyway.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. make it out of premium materials they said… it will look better they said…

    1. You can’t polish a turd ;)

    2. Yeah! All those people who don’t own Samsung devices are idiots! Like they’d even make the suggestion!

    3. Plastic is best. Sorry, but metal bends and can’t easily be bent back to shape after it’s been dropped. for example my macbook pro and my kids ipod touches. Horrible to try and replace the display.

      1. But but but… preeeeeemium. tincan preeeemium.

  2. No micro SD slot???? Pass…..

    1. It’s to compete with the iPhone 6.. so it just uses a bit higher res on the 4.7″ than the rumored iPhone 6 screen res. Also, as we all know, iPhone never has a micro SD card.

  3. If the Note 4 ends up lacking an SD expansion slot too I’m going to flip my shit.

  4. Looks like it’s curved. Maybe just due to the photo angle.

  5. Another day another Samsung device. I’ll pass and stick with HTC or LG.

  6. No microsd slot? Screw you Samsung! ! !

  7. They will announce this and set to launch in early September, just a week before Apple launches iPhone.

  8. Samsung sure knows how to make an aluminum phone ugly lol~
    I know i am trolling, but it doesn’t suit my taste.

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