
Use your Verizon Wireless Corporate Discount to get the LG G Watch for 25% Off [Updated]


LG G Watch Android Wear DSC06104
If your place of business happens to offer a corporate discount through Verizon Wireless and also includes the 25% off discount on accessories perk as most do, you’ll be happy to know that Verizon Wireless has the LG G Watch available for purchase. While you could buy the LG G Watch on the Google Play Store for $229.99, your corporate discount will knock LG’s smartwatch down to a cool $172.49. Not bad at all, right? How could it get better? Verizon is offering free shipping too.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal


Should you go for the LG G Watch or Samsung’s Gear Live? Well, that’s up to you. Both Android Wear devices are very similar when it comes to hardware, however a few tiny details do separate the two smartwatches. LG’s magnetic charger is much better than Samsung’s clip on charger, in my opinion. The LG G Watch also doesn’t include the large silver forehead and chin that Samsung’s Gear Live sports. That said, some feel that Samsung’s looks more elegant and as a bonus, rocks a hearbeat sensor.

Will you be using Verizon’s corporate discount to purchase a G Watch? Let us know in the comments.

UPDATE: As many of you have already pointed out, the discount has been removed.

Derek Ross
I'm a passionate Android enthusiast that's on the pulse of the latest Android news, writing about Android as often as possible. I'm also a little addicted to social networking. Hit me up, I'd love to chat.

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  1. I bought mine already and didn’t know about the discount

    1. You have 14 days from purchase to add discounts.

      1. Even from google play?

    2. Same

  2. We get 25% on accessories and gadgets, plus 15% off on the plan and 15% off data and hotspot!! Still on unlimited data and still have unlimited mobile hotspot feature.

  3. I have a corporate discount but the sale price is not showing up for me. Did they already remove the sale price?

  4. If you by it with the G3, you get a 50% discount (at&t).

    1. LG G Watch Powered by Android Wear – Black Titan
      gadget to discover

  5. Still overpriced

  6. Do you need to have Verizon service?

  7. I have the corporate discount on my account and as user NexusMan mentioned, the “sale” price of $172.49 does not appear as in the image above. I also noticed that the product images do not appear for me as they do above (Image not Found).

    Could you please post a source link and maybe we’ll have better luck? I do see the 25% Sale price listed for other accessories, just not for the G watch, among others.

    1. Same boat, I see certain accessories with 25% off and others with 10% and then some with none. Also says Image not found as well. A link would be nice in case we are missing something.

    2. I could be mistaken, but not all corporate accounts include the “accessories” discount, sometimes it’s just a discount on the phone plan. You would have to speak with your Human Resources dept to get the details of your company’s benefit plan. In fact, one company’s VZW discount, can be different from another’s. They are not all the same. I believe it is based on size and number of employees.

  8. Does that come with a 2-year contract?

  9. Doesn’t work with my corporate discount either

  10. If anyone really wants 25% off the G watch you can just buy 3 accessories from AT&T and get 25%. I did that to get a G Watch a few days ago. Given, you need to buy 2 cheap $5 cases to get the 25% off, but it still gets you the watch for $185!

    1. How did you do it with att

      1. Just add the G watch and two cheap cases on their site and the 25% off will automatically be deducted. Given that the above poster called Verizon and they matched AT&T’s price, that might be the way to go though.

  11. I got mine for 114.50, worth every penny.

  12. This discount was active on Thursday and Friday. It seems Verizon has already removed the discount as many of you have already noticed. I was able to snag 2 for friends at the discount before it was removed. I’ll update the post accordingly.

  13. “Smart” accessories are not supposed to receive corporate discounts. This was likely an error on the website that has since been corrected.

  14. Just Called VZW Customer service and after mentioning that AT&T had it at %25 off (didn’t mention that you needed 3 accessories) they were willing to give me the %25 off the g watch and I should be receiving it in 2- 3days =-) $172 + $16 sales tax = $188

  15. This is interesting that Verizon pulled the promo. This made me log on to At&t and see what they had to offer. I get 50% off with my corporate discount(on accessories). Lo and behold they had the G watch for 114.50. I purchased and grand total came to 121.37. I had no intentions on buying this considering my Note 2 is still running Cleanrom 4.1.2, so it isnt even compatible, but I couldnt pass that deal up before they are sold out. Plan on getting the Note 4 anyway. Hell at $120 even if I like the moto 360 better, I can just give the G watch to the ole lady(she has an S4) or ebay it brand new for like $150, and still be ahead.

  16. It’s because Verizon doesn’t allow corp discounts on “smart accessories.” This includes items like the Chromecast also.

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