
Google Play Games 2.0 introduces Player Profiles with XP stats, SDK updated too


Google Play Games 2.0 update

A new update to Google Play Games for Android is now rolling out in the Play Store. The update brings the app all the way up to version 2.0.11 and introduces a new Player Profiles, complete with Player XP to show your friends your mobile gaming dedication.

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Privacy advocates will be happy to find that profiles will be automatically be set to private in the event that any previously downloaded games wasn’t given permission to post publicly on your G+ profile. Should you find yourself accumulating several hundreds of games in your travels, well, you’ll just have to go through each one to set its activity to public (lame).

But that’s not all. Google also introduced an update to the Google Play Games SDK. Apparently, Google wants to make it easier than ever for developers to implement Google Play Games into their games, regardless of platform.

Announced on the Android Developers Blog, Google revealed a new set of tools that they first introduced at this year’s Google I/O and brings support for turn-based multiplayer, Quests and Events, and Saved Games. The Google Play Games SDK for iOS saw the same developments, allowing developers to take advantage of Quests, Saved Games, and Game Profiles (along with Player XP APIs) in their iOS titles as well.

As so often is the case, the new Google Play Games update is rolling out in stages but if you’d like to grab the app early, you can sideload the apk via the download link below. Happy gaming!

Download: Google Play Games 2.0 (MediaFire)

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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1 Comment

  1. Ima need some of my favorite apps to update and add Google Play Games support.

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