
Android Wallpaper: Google Fanboy


google walls

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Let’s be honest, we’re all a “fanboy” of something. It could be a favorite phone, operating system, app, movie, burger, or actor. There is nothing wrong with being passionate about your favorite things. In the Android world there are a lot of people who get called “Google Fanboys.” This is usually a derogatory term, but in today’s edition of Android Wallpaper we are celebrating it.

We have selected five wallpapers that will look great on any Google-lovers phone or tablet. Don’t hide you allegiance anymore. Wear it loud and proud with these wallpapers. To get one of these on your phone, tablet, or PC simply tap or click the download link underneath each image. On the next page you can right-click or long-press to save the image to your device. We hope you enjoy these wallpapers as much as we do. Let us know which one is your favorite!

Push new Android Wallpaper to your Android device with this IFTTT recipe.

Google Icons

google icons

Download (2560×1600)



Download (2560×1600)

Google Now

android_google_moutain_google_now_1920x1080_wallpaper_Wallpaper HD_2560x1600_www.paperhi.com

Download (2560×1600)

Sunrise at El Goog


Download (2560×1600)

Google Lights

android ics

Download (2560×1600)

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. These are very nice! I really like the Google Icons one. It is a shame that I can’t see icon text or my clock widget well if I use it on my Nexus 7 because of it being so light. If there was a grey version that would look wonderful.

    1. Here are a bunch of edits I made for you and everyone else (darker wallpapers included) –

  2. I’ll be using that Google Now one, I think.

    1. Agreed. I might make it my computer wallpaper. It looks awesome.

  3. Thank you !! Keep these a commin’ ;)

  4. nice!

  5. awesome wallpapers great work (Y) .

  6. Google Lights is so triflin’. It’s just a screenshot of the Nexus Live Wallpaper. Outta line.

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