
Phan Favs: What is the best weather app?



We have several recurring features on this site where we tell you what the best apps, games, phones, or tablets happen to be. Of course these picks are largely based on our own opinions. Many times you, the readers, disagree with us. That is one of the great things about Android. It’s very personal. You all have your favorite apps and games, so it’s time we ask you.

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Phan Favs gives you, the readers, the chance to tell us which apps and games are the best. It’s time for some good old-fashioned crowd sourcing to find out what apps Android users are really using. For our first vote we will be talking about WEATHER APPS. Checking the weather is one of the most basic functions of a smartphone. There are probably thousands of apps available for this specific task. We want to know which ones you are using.

How It Works

It’s very simple. Leave a comment below with the name of your favorite weather app. DON’T leave a comment with the name of an app that has already been mentioned. If your favorite app has been mentioned already just upvote it. Next week we will put the top 5 (and a few honorable mentions) into a list.

Spread the news! Let other Android users know about this! More people means more data, and more data means more accurate results. Click right here to tweet about it. Thanks for playing along!

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

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  1. I just use beautiful widgets.

    1. Aesthetically yes, I think they’ve got it. I also use BeWeather Pro because I like the animated weather.

      1. I’ve just used it ever since fancy widgets abandoned their app. BW got a lot nicer a year or so ago when they did that overhaul.

  2. The Weather Channel app

  3. 1Weather

  4. Yahoo Weather’s redesign is quite nice and has become my go to.

  5. WeatherBug

    1. WeatherBug Elite Before they removed it.( since I purchased I can still re-downlod) Way better with out the adds and I like the widgets better!

      1. Yea, I actually use the Elite version. Love it and seems most accurate of most I’ve used. Being cyclist and motorcyclist, weather forecasts are important.

    2. I’ve tried all the others. I always come back to WeatherBug. And I like the simple icon in the status bar.


  7. The Google News & Weather app widget that comes stock on the Nexus5

  8. Weather Underground

  9. Since I live with a meteorologist/atmospheric chemist I’m only allowed to use…

    So I have a tasker profile setup to get my current location (based on cell tower) and plug the lat/long into’s url so I can get the weather easily for wherever I’m at.

  10. Google Now

    1. This. (upvoted)

    2. This. I haven’t used a weather app or widget besides Google Now since Android 4.1 started hitting devices.

  11. Eye in the Sky Weather!

  12. 1Weather (perfect widget for your phone)

    1. Mentioned earlier; you should have just upvoted per the instructions.

  13. I use the weather app that came with my GS 3. I think it’s powered by Accuweather. A company that has tried to pay of Senators in order to shut down the National Weather Service. But it looks good and I didn’t pay them for it, so…

  14. GO Weather EX

  15. Tornado Alert is a MUST in a weather app. I use many weather apps but the best one is Weather Channel and Google Now because they get your family into the shelter on time. You can fine tune Weather Channel better than Google Now to only alert severe storms.

  16. Eye in Sky

    1. Already mentioned and upvoted below.

  17. EZ Weather

  18. Weather and Clock Widget. Multiple locations, great widgets, doesn’t crash….

  19. I been using Yahoo Weather, it’s really nice

    1. already mentioned, you didn’t read the article or the featured comment.

  20. EZ weather 4 sure

  21. Notification Weather Premium

  22. WGN Weather

  23. BeWeather

  24. WindAlert

  25. RadarNow

  26. 1Weather

  27. Accuweather.

    P.S. It was mentioned below, but in the middle of a long comment, so this is simpler to see.

    1. I’m big on accuweather’s hourly and feels like temps, the more data the better. Also sometimes, I use the accuweather powered live wallpaper that came with my phone, in addition the their widget/app.

  28. NOAA Weather – free, direct NOAA forecasts, simple, great UI

  29. BeWeather

  30. Weathertap Zoom for just radar

  31. Radarscope. I’m a trained storm spotter and this app is essential.

  32. SeaStorm for Hurricane related

  33. It’s not an app, but it’s something I wish to see it in an app form:

    EDIT: nvm, there actually is an app:

  34. 1weather has always been my favorite

  35. Weather bomb is the best

  36. Yahoo weather

  37. AusWeather

  38. I know 4 of them. eWeather HD is the best. Its weather info is credibly complete. Took me a few days to get used to all its power but after that I really get hooked. It is very configurable and responsive. I think I will not go back to the other weather apps. The only inconvenience so far is their Widget which are less convenient to use than the others I mention below. But the devs told me they will improve.

    HD Widget, Beautiful Widget: nice clock but the weather component is crappy. They send to a web page for more details, and this page is not responsive at all. 1Weather is better but I don’t like the in app purchase to unlock the free version.

  39. people sure do know how to follow directions!

  40. I use WeatherBug since I got it for free from Amazon app store

    1. not because i got it for free. I use the elite version.

  41. yes. I like weather apps. (this was my attempt at being a worse poster than the people who just post an app that’s already listed). side note: will you guys post results? scanning these comments makes my eyes and brain bleed.

  42. I can’t say it’s the best, but I just use the Google Now widget. I like just having the weather there and not have to open an app. If I had to use an app it would be the Weather Channel app…… and yes I know they both are mentioned above

  43. AccuWeather

  44. Did not find this in the comments so, Here is one of my faves: been using it for three years now. It’s Transparent Clock and Weather Widget

    1. Thanks for this. I’ve been wanting to go to a one screen look for a while now.

  45. I just look out the window.

  46. Stock clock/weather/news widget on Sense 6.0 that came on my HTC One m8.

  47. A window.

  48. Arcus: Hyper Local Weather

  49. Weather Underground

  50. MYCAST hands down. 4 bucks for the app, 10 bucks annually for the alerter upgrade. i also use weatherbomb ad free for weekly precip forecasting another 2 bucks annually. up until recently i drove an 18 wheeler and if you’re out there in the weather these are the ones to have.

  51. HDWidgets, with Weather Underground as the source – I like that better than their own app. (Both have been mentioned, but HDWidgets has not been anyone’s single favorite that I saw)

  52. yahoo weather. But I mostly check weather in google now.

  53. StormShield Weather Radio-the weather alerts are about 30 minutes slow on weatherbug, weather channel, etc since they only poll the server so often. This app verbally announces advisories literally seconds after they are put out assuming you have a good data connection. Only drawback is there are no widgets or persistent Temperature notification.

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