
Cyanogen teases “exciting news ahead” for upcoming Oppo N1 announcement


Relatively new to the Android smartphone market, Chinese manufacturer Oppo has always been refreshingly developer friendly when it came to their current flagship — the Oppo Find 5. A beautiful blend of premium build quality and high-end specs, Oppo had no problems creating their own developer forums where tech-savvy users can get the support they need to help flash new software builds or custom ROMs.

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Oppo’s been teasing their latest flagship, the Oppo N1, where the big reveal is set for Sept 23rd. Moments ago, they updated their Oppo N1 landing page with a special announcement from Steve Kondik, better known around the circles as Cyanogen. In the video, Kondik teases “exciting news ahead”, with September 23th being the date of the big reveal.

So what exactly do Cyanogen have to do with Oppo? It was only yesterday CyanogenMod — developers of the world famous custom Android ROM — announced they were finally going full-time with the formation of CyanogenMod, Inc. Aside from gaining $7 million in funding, CyanogenMod also mentioned they already had a hardware partner in the works. After much speculation, it’s clear that hardware partner is Oppo.

We’ll have to wait until the 23rd to learn more details. Right now we’re wondering if the custom Android ROM based on AOSP will come preloaded on the Oppo N1, or if users will need to take advantage of CyanogenMod’s user-friendly installer. Suddenly a new Android device has become top contender for our hard earned money. #AndroidProblems.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. wishing for Oppo on Tmobile..

    1. I’d JUMP! all over that…

      1. I seen what you did. Nice one

        1. see

    2. I’m sure it will support T-Mobile bands to some degree, but don’t expect T-Mobile will let you put this phone on their payment plan. :P

      1. please include LTE for t-mobile!

    3. …Me Two!!

  2. Oppo N1 overseas with CyanogenMod would be amazing!

  3. Hope they bring it to either AT&T or tmobile with lte. Preferably tmo.

    1. Highly doubt we’ll see a carrier release. I mean, the announcement is taking place in Beijing for one. More than likely Oppo will sell the phone unlocked for use in the states, just like the Oppo Find 5.

      Of course the price will most likely be the usual ~$500, in which case everyone will ultimately opt for the Nexus 5 :/

  4. Verizon customers will definitely not see this phone. TO bad too.

    1. I know you di’int just do that. LoL!!

      I wonder who else will catch it.

    2. too

  5. nexus 5 or n1?…. #AndroidProblems iphone users are probably bragging they dont have to worry about options right now lol

    1. Nexus 5 with CyanogenMOD. Best of both worlds.

    2. iPhone users are too busy worrying about whether to get the teal, pink, or gold iPhone. :P

    3. iphone users are wondering whether or not to upgrade from the 5 to 5s..” it looks the same, but it must be different.. right?”

      1. I wouldn’t be surprised if iphone 5 owners upgraded to iphone5c thinking it’s better because it’s newer

  6. AWESOME!. This is the perfect pairing. Now just make the N1 have some good hardware specs and Its a go.

    1. It was said that the Oppo phones usually have high-end specs, so I’m sure you have nothing to worry about in that department.

  7. wishing for Oppo for Sprint………. *crickets* *LAUGHTER FILLS THE ROOM*

  8. $299 or less and I’m sold.

    1. if the price of the find 5 is any indication, this may be another $500 off contract phone

  9. After reading the CM Inc drama, I wouldn’t be surprised if this was “put on hold” before going on sale. Then again, maybe not since it is China. Which makes me wonder.

  10. My Uncle Riley got an almost new blue
    Infiniti only from working off a home pc… go to the website w­w­w.J­A­M­20.c­o­m

  11. N for Nemesis maybe? Worth keeping an eye on regardless.

  12. Oppo Cyanogen Style!

  13. oppono… another worthless Chinese firm building subpar gear with known backdoors.

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