
Rooted Google Play edition ROM now available for HTC One users [DOWNLOAD]


HTC One Google Play Edition DSC01017

Well, that didn’t take long. Using a combination of system dumps, kernels, and a pinch of root, HTC One users (AT&T/T-Mobile/Developer Edition) now have a near-fully functional Google Play edition ROM to flash into. The ROM is everything you’d expect from a near-stock AOSP ROM and is probably as close as you’re going to get to Google Play edition without buying a device on the Play Store.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

As it stands, the only part that’s “broken” are the data usage settings, so if you need to closely monitor your data on your current cellphone plan, you might wanna go with one of the many 3rd party apps in the Play Store for now.  My largest complaints when running custom ROMs on my One like CyanogenMod and others was the terrible audio quality and lack of LTE — 2 features fully functional in this build. Beats Audio has never sounded so good. Protip: your SD card in Android 4.2.2 is now in the /data/media/0/ folder.

Sure, all those Frankenstein ROMs are great, but at this point in my life, I’m looking for stability. I’m going to run the ROM for the rest of the day and see how it holds up. In the meantime, if you’re rooted and have an HTC One, you’re probably going to wanna give this a shot. For more information about the ROM, link to the thread provided below.


For instructions on how to root your device, here’s the walkthrough I used. Worked without a hitch.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. nice

  2. Wasn’t sure if I’d like that Sun Beam live wallpaper, but I do. Almost looks like a pool of blood or something..

    EDIT: that sounded bad.. especially since I have my Halloween pic as my profile picture..I’m not in to that sort of thing.. I’m just sayin it.. nvm o_0

    1. I think you’re starting to turn, man…

      1. SCREAMS-n-FAINTS!!!!

      2. Last of Us reference, nice!

  3. Sooooooo if I wanted that sexy live wallpaper and I have yet to root my One where can a fellow go to get it ? Anyone direct me ? Please and thanks :)

      1. Thank you kind sir

  4. Aggggghhhhh! NOW I WANT AN HTC ONE! My Nexus 4 is so annoying.

    1. why do you find it annoying?

      1. First world problems mate.

  5. Let us know if it’s stable Chris! I wanna give this a spin for sure

    1. Been using it for almost 4 hours now. One reboot during an uninstall of an app that auto-restored. Other than that, it’s working great. Will probably do another clean flash and uncheck the “restore” option on setup to see if that makes any difference.

      1. Oh I see… Some other users on the XDA forums have also reported random reboots. Hopefully a re-do will work.

        1. Running solid for me. No reboots, auto-downloaded apps from the Play Store with no issue. :)

  6. What about the camera? Zoes? You did lose those right?

    1. Yeah, that was allllll Sense.

      Only thing we get to keep is Beats. A lot to give up for stock Android unless of course, you weren’t using those features.

  7. Do you have to flash the gapps as well? or just flash this rom and your good to go? Sorry I’m a noob. Thanks.

    1. No need to flash Gapps. It’s all included :)

      1. Great thanks!

  8. Hopefully someone is working on a Sprint version. This is really good news for any One owners. I’d like to see HTC simply release is themselves on HTCDev, though that would not be likely for a CDMA version.

  9. So would flashing to this ROM give OTA updates straight from Google?

    1. Noooooo.. this is rooted and I think that might have been ripped out. I’m not sure about specifics, but I think they’re still missing the full factory image that would transform the device into an “official” Google Play Edition device.

  10. I love this, I just love it

  11. Im just gonna wait till the official release from HTC, no bugs, no problems. I havent rooted a phone since my G2.

  12. Hi,

    Does this rooting “How to Root HTC One on Windows, Mac, and Linux!” will also unlock the sim. I have an AT&T phone. Will i be able to unlock the phone if i follow this method?


  13. Hm. very tempted to put this on the ONE, but I kind of really like sense 5 and the beats integration i feel does make a difference! I do have a nexus 4 soooooo ill pass maybe in a couple months when I get bored with sense.

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