
Sony CEO: Sony Xperia Z coming soon the US


Sony CEO Kaz Hirai

We’ve been keeping a close eye on the Sony Xperia Z ever since it was announced back at CES 2013. But that was back in January and a long time has passed since then. Arguably still one of the best — and most beautiful — Android devices to date, many have been wondering where the device stands on a US release, and if Sony has possibly missed their window of opportunity by failing to release before fierce competition like the Samsung Galaxy S4, and HTC One.

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We’ve been hearing for quite some time that the Sony Xperia Z would be making its way to T-Mobile stores later this year after various leaks and tips, and today, it appears as if Sony CEO Kaz Harai has confirmed this (at least partially). In an interview at the AllThingsD D11 conference, Kaz, in fact, confirms that the Z is indeed headed to a US carrier, but fails to mention exactly which one. No matter, we’re near certain the Sony Xperia Z will be coming to T-Mobile and will make yet another solid phone in the Uncarrier’s Android lineup.

We can’t help but wonder if there’s anyone out there still waiting for the Sony Xperia Z? Between this, the HTC One, and the Galaxy S4 — you definitely have your options of great Android hardware. Now, let’s wait and see if Sony will announce a “Nexus Experience” Xperia Z sometime later.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Wanted this 5 months ago but with a Snapdragon S4 Pro, I’ll pass. A lot late to the game.

    1. Spot on with that, I was thinking the same thing. The viewing angles of this really killed it for me in the end. Killer features with the weather proofing and Micro SD support is always a welcomed feature not seen as much outside of Samsung. Sony should start providing more devices in America outside of AT&T.

    2. It has the S4 Pro…..also ON-SCREEN BUTTONS ON A 5 INCH DISPLAY, an overall gorgeous looking device, and oh you can be pushed into a pool with your clothes on and know that it will be fine since it is waterproof (something I think all devices should be since it is 2013). Its skin for android is also pretty well done in my opinion. I absolutely love that thing and wish I had it for Verizon :(

      1. A CDMA Sony phone… I can only dream.

  2. I’d probably have it in my pocket right now if it were out on Sprint. But it’s specs are starting to age, and Sony shows no love to CDMA :(

  3. too little too late. they might have a chance if they position it below the competition but it’s doubtful. only hardcore sony fans will pay full price for this.

  4. Typical Sony, ahead behind their competition. And with the poor viewing angles of the screen I see no reason why anyone would buy this, unless they sell it for around $300.

    1. The thing is, they were ahead with the announcement back in January. They just didn’t act (here in the US), although Kaz Harai mentions it was the top selling smartphone for 6 months wherever people were buying it… :/

  5. Hey, Mr.Kaz Harai…don’t play handsoooome! :-) Almost everybody forgot that thing, you better bring the Xperia z to virgin/cricket wireless to have their few costumers a choice , the real performer are already exploring around the globe, the htc One and the Samsung galaxy s4. Better luck next time :-(.

    1. If released soon, I think the Xperia Z still gives the S4 and One some competition. It’s got a whole lotta sex appeal and a still very capable processor..

      1. Maybe! But using tft screen on their flagship phone is the worse they did. The cheapest old display with costly xperia z, ow come on! !!

        1. Wow!!! I didn’t know TFT still even existed!
          I thought Sony is the company who makes Super LCD?

          1. They just add bravia engine gimmick.
            Read the spec of xperia z on gsm arena.

      2. I totally agree, the phone has great design and I would jump on it in a second. Always thought that phone if came to the US Market would do great if it was advertised the right way. It would have done so much better if it was 60 days earlier. That doesn’t mean anything to me, If I like a certain phone I buy it no matter how the other phones sell. I just hope it comes with more than just 16gb of internal memory. SD-Card or not I still want at least 32gb for apps etc.

  6. Typical sony. Late as always to the smartphone party.
    They always have these gorgeous phones, but they take waay to long releasing them.

  7. Sony has always, and I do mean always been late with releases.

  8. We already know, it’s gonna be at T-Mobile USA.. but it’s kinda too late.. Sony.. yet again! Upgrade to Snapdragon 600 and you got a game!

  9. I dont get the whole problem with viewing angles, I have never had the need to view my phone from the side, I stare directly to the screen like normal :/

  10. no one is going to buy it.

  11. Too late. I was so excited for this device when I starting hearing rumors about it in October then couldn’t wait to buy when it was revealed the first week in January. But, Sony took FOREVER and I ended up getting an HTC One instead. Besides, even if Sony does eventually release the XZ in the US…its now six months old and other manufacturers have more competitive offerings. Its disappointing because Sony has a strong brand, the resources and the experience in the channel to have made a strong push into the US market. But instead, like much of their history over the last decade, Sony totally fumbled.

  12. The Z was going to be my next phone right up until the announcement of the Google Edition S4 and One. I’m going for the GES4 because I’m on tmo and need all tmo bands, and probably would have anyway for the larger screen and smaller “bezel”, and it’s the Nexus S … 2.

  13. Always wanted this phone but the Sony USA store is a bit too much to make me replace my Xperia Ion. If it were in the $250.00 – $300.00 range I would bite.

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