
Google Glass will receive monthly software updates up until its commercial launch


Glass developer session IO 2013

Believe it or not, Google I/O is still in full swing with one more day until the developer conference officially comes to a close. Just because yesterday’s Google I/O keynote revealed some of the “bigger” changes spewing forth from Google, doesn’t mean there aren’t more surprises coming out of I/O. In fact, it was during the Glass developer session today that we learned Google Glass will be receiving updates faster than any other Android device. How quickly? How does every month sound?

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Google Glass update

The news was revealed in a “fireside chat” with the Glass development team and it was only a few weeks back the device received a software update to XE5, adding enhanced Google+ interactions, easier search function, the ability to accept incoming Hangout requests, amongst a slew of other features. Now it looks like we can expect another update in the next few weeks, all the way up until Google Glass is finally ready for a general public release.

While Glass may be limited in its current state, it will continue to grow at a very quick pace, adding new features, polish, and squashing bugs until it it’s finally ready for prime time. This means that by the time Glass gets in all of your hands, it will have matured into the virtual reality headset we always believed it could be.

Google also mentioned that all 2,000 Google Glass Explorer Editions have been received by those that signed up for early access to the device at last year’s Google IO. With Glass in more developer’s hands than ever, it’s going to be exciting to see what they can come up with.

[via TNW]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

We didn’t get Android 4.3 at the Google IO keynote, and that’s a good thing [OPINION]

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  1. meh..

  2. Lets see 1,500 for a brand new high end Ultrabook, or Glass which basically just displays info and takes low quality images >.> its a tough decisions. Unless of course the final price is brought down.

    1. Do you really think the consumer version is going to be over a thousand? Or over $500? It’s being built in the United States. It’s a prototype.

      1. I know it won’t cost over a k, but so far they havent disclosed any price. So we have nothing to rely on other than the developer edition price which is 1500. But by reason , the most expensive component of a cell phones is a display, which glass doesn’t contain, if I were to guess I would say 250-300 price tag.

    2. I like your response!…. Not because google glasses is a virtual overlay device it’s not only a camera. You ever saw the movies or cartoon series (Dragonball Z The scooter) Or The movie (Robot cop)? and sorry you right only 50% the price is not normal!. But this item is the holygrail for science and Technical future fhones and game consoles

      1. Yeaa Baby Yeaaa!.

      2. I understand the potential of Glass but as of right now its not worth very much, and most consumers pay for its capabilities as of when they buy the device not what it could possibly do. Like if i were to buy a new cell phone right now, I wouldnt be buying it because of a new feature it might attain a year from now but because of a feature it already has.

  3. Who cares? This $29.95 gadget is not gaining any traction, just like BT cyborg ear receptacles.

  4. Google Glass is awesome!

    It can do 20+ things that are essentially everything+ we need in our everyday life.

    Updates, polish, third-party apps and software.
    Accessories, features, updates.
    Polish. Updates!

    Can’t wait to buy it!!!

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