
Leaked HTC M4 specs reveal hardware almost identical to the First


It was back in February some leaked images of the purported HTC M4 began making the rounds online. A device looking much like the tiny sibling of the HTC One, we weren’t quite sure what to expect other than “low-end specs.” Today some specs have allegedly leaked of the device and it looks like it could share more in common with the HTC First than anything else. Here are the spec as being reported by Llabtoofer, a site that gets their hands on a number of leaked HTC software builds:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • Snapdragon 400 MSM8930 1.2 Ghz Dual-Core
  • Screen 4.3 inch 720p resolution
  • Cameras: HTC UltraPixel/1.6M
  • GPS/Glonass
  • ROM 16GB
  • RAM 1GB
  • WiFi 802.11 a/b/g/n
  • Bluetooth 4.0
  • Android 4.2.2
  • Sense 5.0

With Sense 5.0, Android 4.2.2 and the Ultrapixel camera, I guess this is what it looks like when the HTC First and HTC One produce offspring. You’ll even notice from the leaked images the absence of speaker on the back — Edit: It looks like there is a speaker grill on the back, it’s just difficult to see from the blurry image (thanks, KOLIO). I still have my money on the HTC First which, aside from Facebook Home, is running on a stock version of Android 4.1.2 Jelly Beans.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Definitely a speaker grill on the top front of the phone,You can see it easier under magnification.

    1. easier way to tell is theres no other place for one

    2. God I hope the next Nexus does stereo front facing speakers like the one. Oh and moves the headphone jack to the bottom where it belongs. So freaking stupid! It is so annoying having it on top.

      1. I could actually do w/o a headphone jack altogether, never use it. However, I realize I’m in the minority on that notion.

        1. Fill the hole with gum then. Are you one of those annoying people that just pretends like your phone isn’t blaring sound for all to hear while your sitting at the drs office?

          1. Yeah,I’m THAT guy……… :-P

            Ya ever heard of BLUETOOTH?

          2. If its anything like blueballs you might wanna see the dentist about that. =)

          3. As soon as I get them off of your chin………

          4. Your Blueteeth are on my chin?

          5. i’d prefer to not have to charge my headphones

          6. People STILL use wired headphones???

          7. i know its a crazy thing. I take the NYC subway to and from work everyday with millions of other people. I see quite a bit of wired headphones dangling around. If anything i’m surprised if i do see someone with wireless.

    3. Oh, wow. You’re right. Super hard to see, but I think I see it now. Updated post.

      1. I wonder why HTC would screw up the button configuration so bad on their flagship then get it perfect on an entry level device. The button configuration totally ruins the one and its by far the most beautiful phone I’ve ever seen in my life.

        1. In my experience with the One, it was easy to get used to. After awhile it will become 2nd nature but either way, I would have preferred the 3-button “Nexus” layout. :/

      2. I thought I was seeing shadows @ first,until I viewed it under magnification.

  2. Well, it’s not new for HTC to run different software on similar hardware such as the Desire Z vs the G2. A better example would be the Passion where one version of the hardware came with Sense/Windows Mobile (HD2), others came with Sense/Android (Desire, Sprint Evo, Verizon Incredible), and the “ONE” that came with stock Android (Nexus One).

  3. I thought “HTC wants to focus on their flagship device this year…”???

  4. Another flagship?!?! HTC go home your drunk

    1. It’s not a flagship, it’s a mid/entry level device. It is only a dual core and only 720p.

  5. looks almost like a one x

  6. What is stopping them from making an actual 4-4.3″ flagship? just make the phone thicker but incorporate the same specs as the one series. No wonder htc continues to fall.

  7. No just no

  8. Sense 5 seems a lot less bloated then Sense 4, and I checked out an HTC One today and that thing absolutely flies, so I really hope they step up the fluidity in this device.

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