
Microsoft releases SkyDrive app for Android


If you’ve elected to go with Microsoft’s cloud file management service opposed to the likes of Dropbox, Google Drive, and, today is your lucky day. Microsoft has finally released their official SkyDrive application for Android.

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The fully featured app gives you the ability to access all of your SkyDrive files for easy viewing, share files with friends and coworkers, delete files and create new folders, and upload pictures and video right from your phone.

Best of all? Microsoft hasn’t tried to force its Metro look on us like it has some other apps (coughXBOXcough). If this one’s been on your wishlist since you’ve made your SkyDrive account be sure to hit up the Google Play Store. [thanks psionix!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

ASTRO version 4 due later today, includes new user interface and remote access to Google Drive, Dropbox, and more

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  1. Personally, I love the look and feel of the Xbox live app.

    1. I don’t mind it, but I’d prefer it if devs designed apps with that Android look and feel to them.

    2. the new ui on my xbox makes me want to toss it out the window. They’ve changed the ui on it 3x’s now? Never again Microsoft, never again…

  2. Still waiting for DRIVE to be comparable to DropBox so I can finally standardize to 100% Google. I just love the way Google has created such a seamless environment within itself to stray.

  3. “Best of all? Microsoft hasn’t tried to force its Metro look on us like it has some other apps” Yay I hate Metro.

  4. It still wasn’t showing up in my Play Store app, but I was able to get it from the website using my phone’s browser. Haven’t really tried it out yet, but since its my biggest account (20GB I think), I look forward to it. I already see it has separate folders for pictures, videos, and other files, so its already looking better than Google Drive.

  5. I thought u got 25gb free for signing up. I only got 7gb just now. What’d I miss?

    1. They changed it. People who got the 25GB (like me) were asked to sign in and confirm whether they wanted to keep it during a grace period. That is over now, so only 7GB free.

      Still haven’t used more than 250mb of it. Mostly using drive and dropbox and very little bit of box. Will give the app a spin I think.

  6. I provide a free newsletter that has daily tips and tricks about using Google Docs, DropBox, SkyDrive and other cloud services for Students that you might be interested in. You can find it here:

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