
Google launches experimental trial to include Gmail results in Google searches


Google has announced an ambitious new project that could greatly enhance the Google Search experience for all. They’re aiming to launch a feature that will allow you to pull in relevant Gmail conversations whenever doing a Google search.

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For instance, a search about Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 at Google’s search engine emails related to that game will show up in a right sidebar. It’s a natural extension to the search experience that attempts to be more personal to the user.

“But if I wanted to search for emails about Black Ops 2 why wouldn’t I just do it in Gmail,” you ask? Well, that’s a good point. Gmail already boasts a nice built-in search option, and its search box also gives you the option of repeating that query in Google Search.

We’re not quite sure where Google’s going with this feature, and all indications suggest they aren’t 100% sure either, but that’s why it’s little more than an experimental field trial for the time being.

You can sign up for the trial, but Google isn’t promising that everyone will be able to get in. In fact, you’ll need to be using Google.com in English, and you won’t be able to sign up for it using a Google Apps account (meaning your email address has to end in @gmail.com in order for you to be eligible).

Once those prerequisites are taken care of you can sign up to participate here. From there, just wait on an email to see if Google thinks you’re good enough to get in on this early. Does this sound like something of worth to you or does it seem like a feature that won’t add much to the Google Search experience?

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Not to hyped about it, but its an advancement for search so screw it why not, I signed up :-)

  2. No. I don’t want email searches to appear in my searches. If I really want an email I’ll just go to Gmail. It “may” save clicks, but I’m afraid that everything I search will bring up more emails then actual searches. LoL!!

    1. That’s why it’s in a separate sidebar and not the main results ;]

      1. =.o

  3. So now when I search Google for enhancement pills, I’ll just be redirected to my spam folder?

    1. Yes.

  4. I think this will be useful. I frequently asked friends about things And they send responses so it will be nice to see those in search results. It adds to the social layer they talk about.

  5. Not a good idea at all.

  6. FAIL…….

  7. I’m game…

  8. I’m concerned about this. Friends often jump on my computer to google something quickly. Now I’ll have to remember to log out of google so they don’t inadvertently see my emails? Dumb

    1. It can be turned on or off, you do not have to partake in this.

  9. Nope, deadend! My email should be private. Google think again.

    1. Private? Nothing is private with Google. I’m pretty sure they even know how big everyone’s d*ck is.

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