
ASUS Transformer Pad, Transformer Prime, and Transformer Pad Infinity getting Jelly Bean in coming months


With all the Jelly Bean rollout confirmations coming this week, ASUS found it appropriate to release plans for their own line of tablets. It has confirmed that the ASUS Transformer Pad, the ASUS Transformer Prime, and the ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity will all be getting Jelly Bean down the line.

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“In the coming months,” is all they could offer up for a time frame but it’s better than nothing. Don’t be alarmed if your device isn’t on the golden list just yet: ASUS is still investigating the possibility of bringing Jelly Bean for their other devices. Read on for the full notice to customers. [Thanks to everyone who sent this in!]

Dear valued ASUS customer,

At ASUS, one of the key commitments we make to our customers is a relentless drive to deliver the best user experience. We constantly strive to achieve this goal through our ‘Design Thinking’ philosophy that includes regular software and firmware updates for our products.

We are pleased to announce that many of our tablet products are scheduled to receive an update to Android 4.1, Jelly Bean. The ASUS Transformer Pad, ASUS Transformer Pad Prime and ASUS Transformer Pad Infinity are all scheduled to receive Android 4.1 updates in the coming months. We will provide further guidance on our expected timeframes for these updates near their release.

We are still investigating Jelly Bean updates for other devices, but we are not in a position to confirm whether any other products will be eligible for an update at the moment.

Thank you for your continued support.


Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. “In the coming months”. Isn’t that the same as “Sometime in the future”?

    1. No, Sometime in the future could mean in 2 years or 5.

  2. I’m so glad I picked up the TF101. Asus has been amazing with that device as far as getting us updates and not mucking them up with overlays.

  3. This is exactly why I sold my Toshiba Thrive and “upgraded” to ASUS.

  4. All that’s left is to bring out the Padfone to T-Mobile.

  5. Already have 4.1.1 on my TF300T via unofficial CM10. It’s pretty sweet. Check XDA for more info.

  6. That’s great. However, if they get JB before I get it on my Verizon GNex I will be very disappointed. Asus is very fast with their updates.

  7. asus, i love you and all but please fix your unlock tool. it has been months since it stopped working and im stuck with my bootloader locked…

    1. forever this.

  8. my asus tablet tf201 work when it wont to work every time i power off it want come back on properly no touch screen the asus transforer key board no working properly cant see the pointer..very buuggy.

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