Gets Overhauled But First, All User Data Will Be Deleted April 30th For New Cloud Service


HTC is going big in 2012. After introducing their world to their more focused line of One devices, new slimmed down Sense 4.0 software, the Taiwanese manufacturer continues to overhaul their services. Next on HTC’s list? Their cloud service, HTC began sending out emails today, letting users know that they have until April 30th to download all their user data, or be faced with losing it forever, as they transition to an all new cloud service for their customers.

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Saved contacts, messages, Footprints and call history will all be wiped clean but customers can download all their data in a handy zip file via Not exactly sure how many users exclusively use HTCSense to back up their data, seeing how Google already backs up most of these items to your Google account. It will be interesting to see what HTC will come up for the all new but if their recent partnership with Dropbox is any indication, users will have plenty of storage for their pics and media if a shiny new HTC device is in their future.

Thanks, Bob!


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Wow! And the cloud just keeps getting better and better. /sarcasm

  2. Off topic … Anyone think Sprint and HTC will announce something other than a HTC One product? Just seems odd to have an event for a phone that was already announced on other carriers.. ? Shrug…

    1. Hmmmm… pretty sure it’s just the One X. Maybe it will come out super soon. Like before the one on AT&T?

      1. Considering AT&T says the One X is exclusive to them in the US,  don’t you think AT&T bought some rights so their phone gets some limelight, then the other variants come out? Sort of like how Verizon got the GNex first in the US and it’s coming to Sprint later? Just a thought.. Maybe they’ll announce it with a release a few months in between its release and AT&T’s release… I could be totally wrong.

  3. For a moment i got excited thinking hey gonna shut down Sense for good cuz that piece of bloated shit keeps getting worse each release

    1. didnt all the reviews say sense 4.0 was the best one? And didnt feel bloated at all?

      1. Up to gingerbread, sense kept getting worse and worse.  HTC has been adding all kinds of crap that keeps bogging down the phone, but to be fair, sense 4.0 while still bloated is a step in the right direction.  If an OEM is going to make a skin at least follow the direction that sense is going with 4.0

  4. Sweet! Can’t wait to see what they have in store. Sense is the best! Better than stock! Sense 4.0 will be awesome.
    3.6 on my Rezound has been great.

    1.  Don’t eat me sir

    2. Until you realize that you’re on a tiered data and won’t be able to back up your data because you ran out. 

      1. fucking wi-fi how does it work

  5. Is it a coincidence that is the same date Sprint discontinues their online storage for media? Hmmmm PARANOID A LITTLE

  6. Am I missing something? If ppL back there data up online, isn’t that a cloud storage? So if they’re not backing up their data online, then where is it going? Someone care to enlighten me?

    1.  Ummm…

      They have to back up to their hard disk, the old cloud gets destroyed, then they restore to the new cloud.

      This is ridiculous ! Why trust your so called cloud data to a company that can’t automatically transfer data to the new cloud ? A major point of cloud is not to have to deal with storage and backups.

  7. Cloud
    Computing is sustainable technology for your enterprise

  8. I love HTC more than barristas love their iphones but why are they so in love with sprint? I never understood this. I work for att and we get decenthtc phones but the 3d came out damn near a year ago and we just got the vivid a few months ago and internally…. they are the same phone? Mayb I am reaching a bit but i think sprint and HTC are banging after hours.

  9. Stupid question, this is only on newer HTC devices correct? I have the archaic HTC Incredible running stock Gingerbread and don’t recall HTC Sync (waiting to see what else by HTC is launching over the next few months so I can upgrade). 

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