
Splashtop THD Now Available In The Android Market – Play Games From Your PC On Your Tablet


Shown off at this year’s CES 2012 (and even winning the “Best Mobile App” award) Splashtop THD is now available for Nvidia Tegra 3 tablets running Android 4.0+. While there probably isn’t too many of you out there (hopefully more will join your ranks in the coming weeks), Splashtop THD will allow you to connect to your home PC and do everything you could do on your desktop — only from the comfort of your tablet.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Everything from listening to music, browsing the web, watching movies or even — and here’s the real kicker — playing your favorite PC games from the comfort of your tablet. Suddenly, leveling up away from home has never been easier.

Of course, for optimal performance, Splashtop requires you to have a few top of the line ingredients to keep everything running smoothly. Things like a solid desktop or gaming rig, wireless N router (if gaming from home or office) and super fast 4G connection (when away from WiFi). Don’t forget this is only for Tegra 3 tablets running Android 4.0+, so keep that in mind. If all that checks out, you can download Splashtop THD for $7 right now in the Android Market.

[Market Link]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Onlive Desktop Now Available For Android Tablets – Your Own Personal Windows 7 PC In The Cloud For Free

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  1. You know what would be cool?  If there was a Tegra 3 Google TV Device running ICS. nVidia should get on that.  PC Gaming on my Big Screen without lugging my behemoth of a computer out to the living room? Yes please!

  2. I think it should be stressed that the PC you’re connecting to via Splashtop needs to be fast and current.  I have a 4 year old PC at home that I use to connect with my HP Touchpad via Splashtop, and whenever I connect (via wifi, and doing nothing but staring at the desktop) I get 50% utilization on the PC.

  3. So how is this different than splashtop remote?

  4. Wait till you want to remove Splashtop from your PC, its a nightmare!

  5. So it supports a total of 1l2 tablets.

  6. I thought it already did this?  What am I missing?

  7. But I already bought Splashtop HD… 8(

    1. Same here. I thought HD “WAS” what they showed at CES. I’m not forking out another $8. But then again Splashtop disconnects randomly as well which is annoying. Same with what Df Spot was saying, I have a Prime and a N750mbps router at home with a quadcore i7 laptop.

  8.  OnLive Desktop is better… i’ve used splashtop and it can be very slugish… plus this alternative
    gives me a second pc and without tying up my desktop… splashtop has
    alot of disconnects which hurt the whole experience considerably… I
    have a very good home network (n+ dual band 5gz), asus transformer  and powerful laptop (core i5/ 8GB ram)… I stream to several HD
    devices in 1080p without any drops but splashtop was very buggy… my laptop and  network came to a crawl when I tired it…   the
    background services were hard on my laptop and network they also seem to slow it down
    even when not being used… I am glad they are limiting it to the quad core tablets because anything less will be a nightmare… they need to impose a hardware restriction on the pc also… because the experience was very poor… and the headache isn’t worth it… I hope it gets better optimized…  because to be popular it needs to be at least a few generations of tablet and pc backwards compatible. As the tablet market advances there are and will be some very good dual cores at good prices that people will flock to and the everyday guy will become the bread and butter of a success tech company here soon.  Ask Amazon about the kindle fire.

  9. Movies/videos/etc. = cool

    Playing desktop games on a tablet? Eww. You NEED a keyboard/mouse for these games to be played for real. Gaming on tablets was never meant to be more than Market games; games BUILT for tablet controls.

    1.  We need tablets BUILT for games.

      1. Project Fiona, – I played with it at CES 2012, only a reference design so it had some bugs but it was awesome :)

    2. So get yourself a Transformer Prime, plug in a USB mouse and problem solved.

  10. So…this will NOT work on Tegra2 or any other devices? If it works on Tegra 2 then we could use Chainfire to pretend to be a Terga2 device.

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