
Waze 3.0 for Android Now Available; Brings Foursquare, Yelp


The folks at Waze have released version 3.0 of their social-driven navigation application. This new version adds support for both Yelp and Foursquare, something I know many of you will highly appreciate. They’ve also refreshed the user interface to make it more minimalist and to give it more “swagger and style.” Finally, with the new social location stack, Waze curates data from its own database, Foursquare and Yelp to provide more up-to-date destinations and information about what’s going on around you. All of this is available for free in the Android market so get downloading.

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Quentyn Kennemer
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  1. Yay! Now Waze on my Galaxy Nexus looks like Waze on my wife’s iPhone! Now I have access to the MUTE button, which was a much needed feature!

    1. I hear ya there. Even on minimal I was being reminded to make a turn 3 times before I made it. 

    2. BIG PROBLEM: I just tried to use Waze at lunch and it kept Force Closing. Reports sent to the dev!

      VZW Galaxy Nexus running ICS stock unrooted

  2. It seems like a great idea, but many of the roads in my immediate area are shown as one-way when they are actually two-way.  My ability to make corrections was limited today was the first I’ve used it and it doesn’t let you edit more than 1 mile from where you’ve driven.  Though I’m willing to put in the effort to make corrections in my area (and I did do it), I question to quality of the data in areas I’m less familiar with.

  3. Can’t connect my social networks. Tried clearing cache and reinstalling.
    LTE Galaxy Nexus 4.0.2

  4. I’ve always loved Waze and have been a user since day one on Android but it’s just such a pain when the app closes unexpectedly.  It isn’t even force closes.  It just shuts down and i have to reopen it.  It is especially annoying during directions so I can’t really use it for that anymore.  It’s so close to being perfect though and since users have increased immensely it’s gotten handier.

  5. Waze became a victim of its own success. Everything I can get from it is “Routing server timeout” 

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