Google Announces LG, Sony, Samsung, MediaTek, Marvell and Vizio Will Be All In With Google TV in 2012


Google today announced some of their partners who have stuck with them to provide Google TV products througout 2012 and hopefully beyond. Major television manufacturers Samsung, Vizio, LG and Sony will all be offering Google TV-enabled TVs and/or set-top boxes this year and they’ll be showing some of the new goods off at CES in just  few short days.

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They’ve also announced that MediaTek and Marvell will each be providing powerful chips that Google TV will be optimized to run on. Alongside that, more than 150 applications designed specifically for Google TV have been released and thousands more from the phone and tablet world are available download. We hope this number will increase exponentially throughout the year.

We’re excited to see what the next generation of Google TV brings us so be sure to circle back to Phandroid and GTVSource throughout CES for coverage! [Google via GTVSource]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I’m all over a next gen blu ray player with GTV built in. I heard pretty decent things about the past gen Sony one but with CES right around the corner I might as well wait and see what’s coming soon.

  2. Not to familiar with MediaTek.. but Marvel make arm cpu’s.. so it’s a big shift from the x86 atom’s they’re currently using.. and let me tell you as someone who owns a revue.. they need to do something about performance.. It’s pretty shocking.

  3. Great MediaTek compatible, then SKdualsim, too! Great news!

  4. I really hope GoogleTV takes off, just opens a ton of doors for streaming and content. That is a nice list of TV manufacturers to get the ball of 2012 rolling!

  5. And soon the same trouble begin – you buy a top of the line TV and it’s outdated in a month.

    1. So how is this different than any other technology?  It’s all the same – the lifecycle of consumer electronics is only about 3-months.  Buy what you want and what you can, when you can….and don’t ever look back!  

    2. Its better than nothing right! Atleast there will be more Apps for Google TV

  6. With the new manufacturers, do you think they will be adding some customizations to differentiate from the other manufacturers? Or would they not have to because of the different accessories/hardware that they will be offering, which is the only thing that seperates Sony from Logitech.

  7. I, for one, would like to see a Hulu app released for GTV at the very least.  I’d prefer having a way to access Hulu’s free content via GTV’s browser just like I’m able to do on a PC.  It’s ridiculous that they feel it’s okay to block content like that.  At this point, I’m unable to root my Revue and the only rooting method available didn’t seem  as easy as rooting an Android phone (i.e. required hardware mods, soldering, etc).  So for now I basically have an $80 box that I can use for Netflix and browsing.

    1. well it seems HULU will only be released as HULU PLUS according to HULU when u try to access it from GTV so it will never be free sorry……i watch my shows for free anyways, there are tons of peer to peer sharing sites. A real internet savvy guy would have just googled “free tv shows online” after being annoyed at Hulu. Why would you want to root your Revue ? 

      1. Theres a trick you can do so that you can get hulu free working in browsers on an android device as I use it to watch hulu on my nook tablet without having a hulu plus account.

        1. I know the trick, but sadly it doesnt work on the GTV update. If anyone knows a new trick, id love to hear it.

      2. peer, to, peer…? me stupid. me no understand what means peer to peer…  Of course I know exactly where to get free movies and TV shows online.  In fact, I don’t even have to use p2p sharing because I know where I can stream them for free.  I even know how to stream from my computer to my TV.  That’s not the problem, here.  The problem is that A) the device — which is an internet TV set top box — is not even capable of accessing one of the most popular (legal) providers of television content on the internet and B) Hulu is blocking the completely capable flash-enabled GTV browser from accessing content on their flash site and I think that’s a little ridiculous.  There’s no difference between a person going to Hulu with a PC connected to a TV and a Google TV box. In fact, the internals of a Logitech Revue are quite similar to some early model netbooks — the same netbooks that you can use to watch your favorite Hulu content FOR FREE.  I think you’d start to see the insanity if every site charged you for access via your phone/set-top box and gave you free access on your computer.  As for one’s reasons to root a Revue; a real Android savvy guy would have just googled “benefits of rooting a logitech revue”.  I’ll get you started: .  Actually, a REAL Android savvy guy wouldn’t need to google anything because he’d already know. So, go ahead and do your research and if you still can’t figure out why you’d want to root a Revue then don’t worry about it because you’re probably not the type of person who needs to be rooting anything.

  8. That Why Logitech pulled out of the Revue Setup boxes and depleted it’s inventory while logitech announced that it will focus on Google TV Add-on perapherals for new GTV gneration TV sets by other Logitech smart move to focus on their stregnth,  accessories as they been doing for 30 years

  9. I love my google tv, atleast the idea of it. From renting movies on Amazon, to netflix, to the access to YouTube on my TV. I also love that I can control my TV and cable box with my phone. I think for 100 bucks it’s been a great buy. I hope it really takes off and if the hardware improves and with a couple of great tv manufacturers on board I really think it has a good chance to set the standard.

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