
Expected Launch Date For AT&T Samsung Galaxy Note Outed In Press Invite


Let the leaks begin! CES is only a few days away and during the onslaught of emails going out to members of the press, one accessory maker, AnyMode, has inadvertently revealed the expected launch date for the AT&T version of the Samsung Galaxy Note in an email invite. As the official OEM vendor for AT&T, Anymode goes on to reveal the device should be launching sometime in early 2012.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

AT&T seems to have quite the love affair with Samsung having released 2 different Galaxy S II devices and now the Galaxy Note coming around the bend. I wonder how many more spoilers will come our way before any big announcements at next week’s Consumer Electronics Show. You guys excited for the G-Note on AT&T?

[Via Slashgear]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Leopard skin, seriously? Is this the Jersey Shore model?

    1. I know, I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully they other variations. Like zebra O_o

  2. I’m waiting for it to come to sprint. I will not jump ship and go to AT&T just for a phone

    1. I jumped ship to sprint for the evo 4g…. feelsgoodman.

  3. they may be releasing the note and have two gs2’s but only one of those actually has a decent processor. Exynos is superior to qualcomm in every way. I wont buy a samsung without their own processor in it

    1. Loving the Exynos in my GSII but from the benchmarks I’ve seen from the T-Mobile GSII with a dual-core Snap, not much difference. =p

    2. I would be more concerned about a lack of Android update support from Samsung over the performance differences between Exynos & S3, especially when in the everyday real world the end user probably won’t notice a difference in processor performance but will notice a difference when their Android version is outdated.

  4. Pinning down the date to a six month window is not pinning down a date.

    What a crappy article.

  5. How does the Media Alert saying “early 2012” qualify as an “expected launch date?”

    The title of this article is misleading.

  6. “Early 2012” is not an expected launch date! Galaxy Note in early 2012 has already been talked about. Expect better from Phandroid.

  7. “covers, cases, skins”

    So what’s the distinction between these? cases are hard and protective, while skins are usually just rubbery silicone? So what makes just a ‘cover’ special?

    [edit: I guess a cover in this case would be a tablet-style flip cover. or maybe not. interchangable terms make sad panda sadder.]



    6, 2012 –The January 5, 2012 CES Media Alert titled “Anymode
    Introduces First Accessories for Samsung Galaxy Note” contained
    inaccurate information pertaining to AT&T and the release of the
    Samsung Galaxy Note. The information was not provided by Anymode, AT&T or Samsung ,
    nor did Anymode, AT&T or Samsung approve it. The issuing party
    apologizes for the publishing of the inaccurate information and any
    inconvenience it may have caused.


  9. Bring it to Big Red’s 4G network

  10. If it’s LTE, it’s not gonna have Exynos. :*(

  11. Ill take a non-LTE Note with Exynos on VZW…thanks in advance. I’m not in a LTE market and I don’t think it ever will be so I can do without the unnecessary battery drain.

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