
Browser+ Builds on Ice Cream Sandwich Browser


[Update]: Some are confused as to what I mean by “everyone ” should be on 4.0.1+. As I said in the very first sentence, this is pertaining to the Galaxy Nexus. Everyone with a Galaxy Nexus should be on 4.0.1+, and there may even be some other phones with unofficial ICS ROMs that are out there and they are more than likely on 4.0.1+. If you do not have a phone with Ice Cream Sandwich , either officially or unofficially, this does not apply to you.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Many different mods have been and are being made for the Galaxy Nexus and Android 4.0 and the latest seems to be Browser+. Browser+ is based on the ICS browser and adds a couple new useful features with more being added over time.

For starters, we’ve got a User Agent feature that allows you to switch between a number of different UA strings. The original browser already has an option for requesting the desktop version of a given site but being able to specify other devices is a pretty good deal.

We’re also getting an expanded Quick Controls menu where you’ll now get nearly ever button you need to navigate back and forth between web pages. I’m especially fond of the refresh button here. It’s a free download in the Android market and doesn’t require root. You do need to be on Android 4.0.1+, but we’re pretty sure everyone is. [XDA via]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. So this is not compatible with the Galaxy Tab 8.9 nor the  ATT Galaxy SII?

    1. The Tab 8.9 already has quick controls from honeycomb, no?

  2. Does it also includes the fit text to screen option (after pinch2zoom)?

  3. What kind of ivory tower are you guys living in where you can say “we’re pretty sure everyone is” in regards to using Android 4.0.1+… You’re basically insulting your readers who happened to buy ANYTHING but a Galaxy Nexus in the last YEAR… (you know, most of which you could not actually BUY a Galaxy Nexus)…

    1. The Apple fanboy losers club is not here… so move along…

    2. I’ve had ICS 4.0.3 for over 2 weeks

    3. This was written for the Galaxy Nexus, and everyone with a GN should be on 4.01+. 

    4. WOW! You really should read the article before posting such stupid comments. There is no insult to anyone, the galaxy nexus is the ONLY phone with ICS and all gnexs have been updated to 4.0.2 so there is only 1 devices that this article applies to and if you dont have it, then go cry somewhere else.

      1. Well the Nexus S too. It has 4.03. officially :)

    5. This is “Phandroid”, for… android fans, many of whom know how to flash the latest and greatest on their phones themselves. I’ve been running ICS on my SGS1 since late November (*highfive* teamhacksung!)

      1. I got 3 phones to 4.0+ 


      2. Actually I *do* know how to flash the “latest and greatest”…. And, I suppose I could dig out a (very hidden) build of ICS for my G2X… if I didn’t mind NOT being able to: make phone calls, take pictures, etc…. Not EVERY phone has a “perfect developer environment”.

        My comment stands. To say “we’re pretty sure everyone is” in regards to using ICS is pretty much showing that the writers/editors of Phandroid have no connection to the real world.

        1. The statement was that everyone ALREADY ON ICS is using a build at, or above, 4.0.1. There was no implication that every phone is running ICS….

    6. Learn to read idiot.

  4. What is meant by UA strings?

    1. UA= User Agent
      This is a identifier a browser sends with a request. Describe the browser type.
      The UA for a mobile or desktop browser is different.

    2. “User Agent”. It’s a header string (among many others) that all browsers send to web servers for each page request. By faking your useragent, you can access different versions of websites, or access some that are completely blocked by faking that you’re a “Google Bot” spider.


  5. Those “Quick Control” radial menus are anything but quick. I always have a hell of a time trying to get them to popup consistently (and I don’t have fat fingers).

  6. I would like to side load this on my Google TV, could someone post a link to the .apk?
    I know its not on my google tv market.

  7. I was under the impression I could use Ice Cream look a like browser on Gingerbread. I guess not.

  8. i like it

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