
Sony Announces Android 4.0 Coming To Tablet S and Tablet P Devices


We know all about Sony Ericcson’s plans to bring Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich to their entire 2011 smartphone lineup but what about those tablets Big Sony recently released? Well, an announcement on Sony UK’s community forums has confirmed that both their Tablet S and Tablet P will see an Android 4.0 update in the future. Here’s the announcement:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Sony Tablet™ is evolving, and we’d like to keep you informed with the latest updates.

Today we’re happy to confirm that an update to Android 4.0 will be available for Sony Tablet. Details including timing will be announced in due course, so please stay tuned.

Just recently we released the Software Development Kit for Sony Tablet P.  For more information on this and future updates please visit us at Sony Tablet Evolution.

Best regards

While no specific time-frame was mentioned, you can expect that Sony will want to remain competitive and update their tablets as soon as possible. ‘Cuz, you know… all the other cool kids are doing it.

[Sony UK via XDA]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I’m interested in setting what this Nexus tablet will be!

    1. Language?

  2. aka 6 months

  3. I see they have the clam style w/two screens.  they should make a phone w/THREE panels, and super thin bezels between them, folds up to one regular size phone, then opens up to a decent tablet.

    here’s my ASCII design:
    all top sides have displays (arrows pointing at them)

          /        /
         /   /     ->/
       /        /
      /        /

    now somebody build it!

    1. hmm, that looked better before i sent it :(
      depends on font/size

  4. Sooooo..  Sony can update their similarly spec’d devices to ICS, even with their overlay,  buy Samsung cannot.  Kudos to Sony. 

  5. Im wondering if the xperia play, with its low memory, will run fine? But yea really? If sony can do it, why not others? Looks like im getting me a sony tablet next

  6. i hope they will come out great

  7. Xoom?

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