
A Look at Day Three of Google’s 10 Billion Apps Promo


The celebration of 10 billion app downloads from the Android Market continues with a new rotation of 10 cent software. In its third day, the promotion once again features a selection of some of the best apps and games Android has to offer. On the menu:

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Just a dollar total will get you all of the above titles, which isn’t anything to turn your nose up at.

[via Android Market]


Kevin Krause
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  1. This sale is a great way to fill in the holes of great paid apps that I have simply from DL’ing every single FAOTD from Amazon.  For 10 cents each, I am picking up every single thing that I didn’t already have unless I am simply 100% not interested.  Flick Golf was a steal at 10 cents, loving that game!

    ADW EX is built into the current ROM I am using, but I will unlock it for future needs, and Homerun Battle 3D full version is a game I have always wanted b/c the demo just wasn’t enough play time.  But I couldn’t force myself to pay that much!

    1. Damn! I wasnt sure if i should get flick golf

  2. I bought a lot of the apps I didn’t already have (at 10¢, how could I not?). I bought Reckless Racing earlier, and looking at the comments, it doesn’t work on Android 4.0.x. It may run on flash, I haven’t checked, and I don’t feel like checking at the moment. Also,Fruit Ninja is only 10¢ on the Amazon Appstore as well, I don’t know if it’s the same for all of the apps available on both, but for those who like the AAS, there you have it.

  3. How come I don’t see these apps in the list in the market? And when I click on a specific app link, it takes me to a wrong one…. WTF?

    1. The App Store deals don’t change until some time around noon each day.  Not sure how Phandroid knows ahead of time what they will be.  But, it’s a nice preview.  Just hang tight and wait for the apps to rotate on the sale page.

  4. this is off topic but i got a idea for this holidroid contests. why don’t you guys have a who can post a funny joke contest and then pick the funniest joke. it is just a an i idea

    1. I’m working under the assumption you believe you have a winning joke?  Soooooo what’s your joke?

      1. no i don’t have a wining joke I’m just saying it will be awesome.

  5. +2 more for me today.

    Now if you’ll excuse me I have a date with the toilette and ADWEx. ;)
    I have a feeling it’ll be a good one. 

    1. Yes that is a steal!

  6. Too bad my Droid can’t handle anymore apps….they need to have a
    purchase now, download whenever option. Instead of as soon as I get a
    strong signal or wifi it automatically starts downloading

    1. Well just uninstall after it installs. I have a whole library that may or may not be installed at any given moment. Can always make room if I want to play something specific.

      1. Such a pain though….I like how with amazon you can just purchase and go through the list to install what you want when u want. What would really help is if I could have a damn Nexus and have more space. I’m dying here! LOL

  7. Just added another ten apps to the collection. :) I don’t care if some of them suck, it’s basically free, so why not?

  8. It’s hard to not just purchase these whether they are amazing applications or not. You never know if it is something you might want to use in the future.

  9. is there any way to purchase apps without sending them to your phone?  I want them for future devices (GNEX), but don’t necessarily want them on my DINC

    1. same here, so i “sent” them to devices that i nolonger have active but still show under my devices.
      I see no way to buy them without sending them to a device which kind of sucks.

    2. You can reinstall the apps to another device as long as you are using the same google id to logon to the market. I’ve done it with the web browser.

    3. If you purchase the app from your phone, you can easily cancel the download as soon as it starts.

      1. I believe this refunds the app. I uninstalled an app within a few minutes, and that refunded it as well. 

        1. Cancelling the download didn’t refund any apps for me. They all have “purchased” status.

  10. My Market place is still showing yesterdays deals… :/

    1. Same here!

    2. Click on the apps and it should have correct prices.

  11. These 10 Cent deals are making me love Google more and more each and every day.

    I have picked up some really nice apps for a dime…

  12. I’m still getting yesterdays deals….

    Is ADW EX launcher better than GOLauncher? I’m definitely going to buy it since it’s only ten pence, but just want to make sure it’s worth it. 

    1. Yes it’s fantastic. With the update that was done earlier this week to bring in some ICS elements and the expansion of the dockbar (You can now have as many icons as you would like) they actually took something good and made it better. Plus the screen transitions are fun and being able to round-robin the screens is good too. 

    2. I tried it but went back to Go. personally I like go better

    3. I prefer Go Launcher still; I think the themes are better than what’s available for ADW. 

    4. I was too. Try shift-reloading the page to clear cache.

  13. All the transactions for the apps I bought on day 1 were cancelled because my bank thought they were fraudulant charges and now I cant goback and rebuy them for 10cents because they are all back to normal prices $6, 3$ etc. I feel so freakin ripped off.

    1. LOL! poor guy your bank protects you from fraud and you feel ripped off.
      how exactly do you jump all the way to being ripped off by this?

      1. I dont know, Maybe because it wasnt fraud and i missed out on a bunch of great deals because of it? Never crossed your mind huh?

      2. The bank is protecting itself. If they really want to protect me, then they will stop sending me blank checks for credit cardmtransfers tha anyone can use. Or a million “pre approved” credit applications. The bank is not your friend. They only do what’s required by law… and barely at that.

    2. Try them at the Amazon market, they have most of them for 10 cents

  14. the apps do not show yet on the main page when you goto the market, but they are 10cents if you go to the links for each app individually.

  15. try and charge it to carrier billing otherwise your credit card company may see these as potential fraud and block your card

    1. I guess that depends in which bank gives you the card. Some are weird. I’ve bought most f the apps so far, and they have gone through.

  16. If the ADW folder system is anything like ice cream sandwich I can’t wait….. spectacular!!

  17. Now I have ADW and ADW EX but I don’t see much difference?  Anyone?

    1. I know there are some custom widgets for EX…

  18. OMG!! Tetris is incompatible with my device!!! *cries*

    1. Ahahahah sucks for you! 10 cent tetris for me! mwhahahah

      1. i read the reviews about ea scamming buyers and said screw it, don’t need tetris if it’s going to support that kind of service. not even 10c

  19. Any body with rooted phone receive error when trying to purchase app specials

    1. No problem at all, rooted Evo 3D

  20. Downloaded ADWLauncher & every time I come out of an app it has to load everything back up, takes a few seconds which is extremely annoying. Still a decent buy at only ten cents.

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