
Game Apps Now Available For The Android Market In Korea


Great news coming out of the Android Developers blog with the announcement of gaming apps finally being made available for our Android brothers and sisters in Korea. Starting today, Korean users can now download and more importantly pay for games in the Android Market using direct carrier billing. I know, I know — we don’t live in Korea. Well, according to Android Developers, Korea has quickly grown to become one of the top countries in the world in Android device activations and if you’re a game developers, tapping into this new market could mean greater app sales.

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So, if you’re an Android game developer, make sure to set up your app for distribution in South Korea and set your prices for Korean Won (KRW). And of course, don’t forget to set up your games for Korea by localizing game resources, app descriptions etc.

[Android Developers]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. I wish the camera focus on the the girls in the pictures, but judging by the their blurred faces id probably do the one on the right.

    1. I probably wouldn’t…

  2. Great news, now in return translate Tapsonic to english please!

  3. What about the Best Korea? 

    1. HAHA! North Korea? xD

  4. Galaxy…its such a sexy looking phone …it may, look alittle iphoney…but iguess thats not a bad thing regardless of maybe alittle bit of icopying….because the iphone maybe alittle size outdated, but its still a sexy looking phone.

  5. Free android Games & Apps

  6. What was the reason games were not available in Korea?

    1. bureaucrats wanted ratings and stuff

  7. Dude… The one on the left can definitely get it…

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