
MIUI for HTC Thunderbolt Now Fully Working, Slated for Official Support



It’s been a long time coming for the HTC Thunderbolt. MIUI had unofficially been ported to the device, but it certainly wasn’t without its problems (and believe me, there were many). The team behind the port has finally been able to release a build that is fully functional (yes, even 4G).

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It’s available to everyone starting right now via RootzWiki and new releases will be coming every Friday, as usual. What’s more is that the developer has apparently spoken with the guys at MIUI.us and they think it’s good enough to eventually join the growing list of officially supported devices.

For those not aware, MIUI takes Android customization to the extreme. It almost completely transforms Android to the point where you might not recognize it at first glance if you didn’t know any better. More than just a great UI and performance, it has many great features and the MIUI team makes many great applications to go along with it.

If you’re big on flashing truly custom ROMs then you shouldn’t hesitate to give this one a shot. Head on to RootzWiki to get started. [Thanks Jordan!]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Yeah! I have been following this for a long time, vicious did a great job along with all the people he brought in to get various items working!

  2. Wow.. right before I am going to get a new phone.. damnit.

    edit: but this is good news.

  3. Installed and had to throw on LP+ right away.  I don’t like the iOS look! Otherwise MIUI is really nice on the ‘Bolt!

  4. Very cool, always nice to see another rom for my phone, I’ll probably check it out soon.

  5. Am I the only one that thinks MIUI looks like it was made for 12-year old iPhone users? I just don’t get the appeal from a visual standpoint. I’m sure it runs smooth though.

  6. Now just get rid of that damn iOS look

  7. Minus the iOS launcher style, MIUI is probably one of the best ROMs out there for android devices.  I think it is better than CM7.  It is a clean and well thought out ROM.  I concur though, get rid of the iOS look. 

  8. Never works well on my og droid.  Sluggish at best.

    1. it worked well when they were building on 2.2 , but as soon as they started using 2.3, it was bad news. og droid cant handle much of anything anymore….mine’s at the end of life

  9. EEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFEEEEEEFFFFFFFFEEEEEFFEEEEEEEEEEFFFFFFFFFFEEEEEEEFFFEEEEEEEF000000000111111111111100000000000000011111111111100000000000111111100000000111111000000111010101010011000000000000000001111111111110

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