
Samsung Galaxy Tab 7 Plus Available for Pre-Order at Amazon, Starts at $399


With a release date still up in the air, the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus has gone up for pre-order over at Amazon. The Galaxy Tab Plus is a revival of the companies first Galaxy Tab product featuring specs updated for the Honeycomb era (let’s forget for the moment how the Honeycomb era just ended). Hardware includes a 1.2GHz dual-core CPU, 7-inch 1024×600 display, and a 3MP camera. Both the 16GB version and the 32GB model are available at $399 and $499 respectively.

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[via AndroidCommunity]

Kevin Krause
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  1. I don’t think that ICS in tablets will be a great update like the smartphones.

    1. Sorry but I think you are way off.

  2. I wonder what’s ever happening with the galaxy tab 7.7? The one with the massive Super AMOLED display that was blowing minds earlier this year.

    1. That’s what I’m trying to figure out, too!
      Why are we getting this and not that? I would plop down money for the 7.7 in a heartbeat!

  3. Now what? Get the HTC Flyer or wait and spend an extra $100 for this….

    1. I’d go with dual-core for sure. =)

  4. This vs the 8.9? So many demographics that Samsung is aiming at. I figure the 8.9 and this tab 7 plus will cannibalize each other sales. Although I guess since this has data capabilities other than wi-fi that it won’t. Samsung just has too many devices in the market….AND I WANT THEM ALL!

    1. I want the Sammy 7.7 tablet! Super AMOLED PLUS, 1.4 Exynos, 1 GB Ram and fully of awesomeness!

      Unfortunately, they haven’t yet announced a release date. And with this 7 Plus and 8.9 I even wonder if they’ll release it. To me, 7.7 is PERFECT!

  5. Guess I will be waiting for the first native ICS tablet. Got $550 in my sock drawer that’s tablet cash. Nothing so far has caught my eye.

  6. What’s the point of having ics on a tablet when you honeycomb were It’s at. Ps I don’t like Samsung.

  7. Jesus Christ is the way to Heaven!
    Email me at meechie1993@gmail for more information please.

  8. If only they would make an 8GB version for $199. I think then they would fly off the shelves online and in the stores.

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