
VLC Open-Source Media Player For Android [Download]


Get your MKV’s, AVI’s and ANIME’s ready! Android developer/modder extraordinaire, CVPCS, was able to compile a working pre-Alpha version of VLC media player for Android. If you’re unfamiliar with VLC, it’s essentially a open-source (we like those words around here) media player for Windows, Mac and everything in between that allows you to play virtually any video format on your desktop. That alone should help you see the value in bringing this amazing tool to Android.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Because of the way VLC is built, it can’t (or wont) support all Android devices. Instead, it separates them according to your processor, into 2 categories: NEON and NO-NEON. How do you find out if your device is NEON? Simply use a file manager app, dig around in your system files and locate the folder /proc/cpuinfo and then take a look inside. You should see something like this:

Processor	: ARMv7 Processor rev 2 (v7l)
processor	: 0
BogoMIPS	: 1597.74

Features	: swp half thumb fastmult vfp edsp thumbee neon vfpv3
CPU implementer	: 0x41
CPU architecture: 7
CPU variant	: 0x1
CPU part	: 0xc09
CPU revision	: 2

Hardware	: mapphone_CDMA
Revision	: 0000
Serial		: 0000000000000000

Take a look at the Features line and look for the word “neon.” If it’s there — then you have yourself a NEON device. If not — then you’ll have to use the NONEON version of VLC. Okay, let’s get to the good stuff. The download. Seeing how this is such an early pre-Alpha build of VLC for Android, CVPCS will not be providing support. If you want to try out VLC for Android still in its early stages:

NEON VLC for Android

NONEON VLC for Android

If you wont a ton more information on VLC for Android, hit up the source link for all the technical details.


Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. Thank you for this news. LOVE me some VLC. Nothing like UTorrent, Peerblock, TPB, VLC and a laptop streaming over HDMI!

    1. yip, ditto on all, VLC is the best media player of all time.


  2. Also. Android System Info shows if it is Neon or nor. FYI: Galaxy S (vibrant) is a Neon device

      1. He means the app in the Market.

      2. Android System Info, the app like Magus said, shows you CPU info.

    1. LG G2x and LG O2x are nonneon

      1. Every Tegra-2 device doesn’t have Neon support. Omap 4 devices have it. Exynos does so the GSII, Optimus 3d and Bionic have Neon

  3. Love me some VLC!

  4. DROID is NEON.

  5. Someone should compile a list of what your device is. I’ll look into the Droid 2 and post back on which one it is.

  6. VLC Pwns! Thanks for posting!

  7. FYI: Motorola Xoom is non-NEON. Oh it’s very alpha. So very alpha.

  8. NEON – if you’re using HTC Vision aka Desire Z aka T-MOBUS G2

  9. atrix is noneon. this is beautiful.

  10. Droid X?

  11. Force closes as soon as I open it ._.
    Samsung Vibrant CM7

  12. Awesome. Wondering if this will play 3D videos from the Evo 3D. Rockplayer can, so I don’t see why VLC wouldn’t. If not in pre-alpha, surely it will in beta or final.

  13. How do you install? The file is a txt file not apk.

    1. Might wanna use a different browser to download. Try Dolphin. =)

  14. droid 3?

  15. Droid X is NEON

  16. FYI: Droid BIONIC is Neon

  17. What is Incredible (orig)?

  18. T-Mobile G2x (NON-NEON)

    1. I tried it on my G2x. It doesn’t work for me. Started randomly playing songs and won’t load any video. haha

  19. HTC Sensation 4G is neon.

    1. Wish I would’ve read down further before I went digging. Lol.

  20. installed on the Galaxy SL (I9003, found out to be Neon). But videos not playing properly. only sound is coming. video is not visible.. only some vertical lines

  21. Droid X is NEON, even running MIUI

  22. Asus Transformer noneon

  23. NookColor is NEON

  24. Nexus S is neon.

  25. Finally! My desire is not much for 720p though, and we really do need a better (windows accessible)storage file system than fat32. No place to put my gb movies+

  26. I have an Incredible S and it is neon.

  27. Evo 4G = neon

  28. HTC EVO 4G = NEON
    Successfully played a .m4v and .avi file

    1. How do you know? I open the proc folder and there is a cpuinfo but is empty.

      1. I used File Expert and File manager (both work).
        With File Epert: From / dir select proc. Scroll down to cpuinfo and select with a quick press then select Text. Now select File Editor. Info should be displayed there.
        Note: File size is 0 but will show data when selected.

  29. it takes a while to load up .mkv files and does not show subtitles :(

  30. Droid 2 Global is NEON… which probably means that the D2 and D2R2D2 are also NEON since they use the same processor

  31. FYI: Tegra 2 is non-NEON. Most processors (Snapdragon, Hummingbird, Exynos, OMAP) support NEON though.

  32. so what is the different between NEON and NONEON feature in cpu?

  33. Droid Charge anyone?

  34. searching loop after changing starting folder, doesn’t play anything launched though gallery, no subtitles, and plays H264 quite badly(random pixelations, low framerate, at 480p)
    they still got some work to do.

  35. “VLC, it’s essentially a open-source (we like those words around here) media player for Windows, Mac and everything in between that allows you to play virtually any video format on your desktop.”
    VLC is primarily the ultimate media player for the Linux world.
    The fact that it also runs on windows and mac does not alter this!
    Most programmers of VLC use a Linux distro and of course I am very glad to see this app in the android world.
    (It is natural since android is part of the wider Linux ecosystem…)

  36. Go download antutu benchmark and it will dhow ur system info including whether ur phone is neon or not.

  37. Wow this is amazing runs smooth on the Xoom, with the exception of hd content. but it starts playing way faster than the system video player. Good on VLC

  38. Thunderbolt is NEON

  39. what about the g1?

  40. I cant get it to play any of my videos smoothly. Stock video player on DROID3 works better.. Nothing is even watchable on this :(
    too bad. I know it is beta. I use VLC on my pc for all my videos.

  41. Neon And noneon Doesn’t work on Acer aspire one Happy…Okey it’s an old version, but it will be great if it can work.
    All of the video viewer can’t read video on Happy -_-‘

  42. Sony Ericsson x10 is a Neon Device !!!!

  43. Neon version for Samsung Galaxy Tab.
    Now waiting to play live video stream

  44. Captivate?

  45. what about the g1? Does anyone know?

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