
Leaked Doc Reveals HTC Vigor Launching As The Droid Incredible HD On Oct 13th


If the above image is to be believed, the HTC Vigor that we’ve been following for weeks now, could be rebranded the DROID Incredible HD when it hits Verizon on October 13th. The leaked image goes on to show the specs of the phone aside from one glaring typo: a “4.3-inch WVGA display?” While, I wouldn’t call shenanigans on that alone, (seeing how it correctly lists the device’s resolution in the next line) I’m sure it will raise a few eyebrows. Leaked pics of the device (and more recently the leaked press shot) reveal the Vigor as taking some major styling cues from the Incredible line so the change in name seems very plausible.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The rest of the specs are spot on with what we’ve been hearing on the HTC Vigor. 4G LTE enabled,  720p HD screen, 1.5GHz dual-core processor with 1GB of RAM, Android 2.3.4 Gingerbread, 8MP rear/2MP font facing camera, and Beats by Dr. Dre earbuds. Oh- and as an added bonus, a 32GB class 10 microSD will come inside the device to compliment the already 16GB of onboard storage (sounds fishy). If this device isn’t HTC’s next flagship, I don’t know what is. HTC is throwing their very best into this device and it looks like HTC will be first-to-market with an HD 1280×720 screen. Once again, this leaves other Android OEM’s to play catch-up. Definitely excited to see what comes of this device, how ’bout you?

[Via Droid-Life]

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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  1. 1620mAh for dual core, LTE, and 720p?

    Good luck getting half a day out of this. Good lord.

    1. Dual core should help some with battery and maybe they figured something out with the screen to add to some battery life.

      1. I like HTC, but their biggest weakness has always been battery life. I don’t have high hopes.

        1. Me either but if it can atleast make it 7-8 hours on 4g I will be happy. Hopefully they make some slim extended batteries so you dont have the huge hump like on the tb.

          1. charger at home. car and at work problem solved

          2. Not really I shouldn’t have to charge it multiple times a day.

        2. why they dont add bigger battery on this devices

          1. This is much larger battery than on the tb.

    2. Dual-cores actually use LESS battery… o.O

      I would imagine LTE and the screen trying to push 1280×720 pixels would be killer though =/

      1. No it doesn’t use less battery, it uses way more, but it tries to complete tasks faster so it can sleep more, resulting it better battery

        1. The Qualcomm Scorpion Cores in this phone set clock speed and voltage asynchronously, and on-demand. From a power management standpoint, this chipset will do better with battery life than a standard A9.

        2. completely wrong:(

          1. **EDIT Sorry NightAngel79, I misread your response and thought it was to my post above. Carry on :)

          2. No worries player:)

  2. I hope this is true and it has better battery life than the tb. If so it will be my next phone

  3. So they found a use for the name DInc HD without wasting it on the subpar Mecha. Only took a year. I’ll take it.

    Still can’t beat the Prime though. :/

    1. p3droid said the prime wont be stock.

      1. That’s not confirmed. Also, this one is coming with Sense, so yeah. :/

        The Prime hardware specs are going to be disgusting, all of which are basically confirmed from multiple reports.

        1. He is usually pretty good knowing things. If you want the prime get it. Me personally I will get the vigor because most likely the prime will be a let down since the nexus are never cutting edge spec wise. Both will be good phones I’m sure.

  4. From the OG Dinc too this!!!! Yessssssssssssss

  5. tempting… i have the incredible now and think that I would rather give Samsung a spin. I always liked the look of their displays. But will the prime come out in October like the rumors suggest?

    1. Most likely late November..

      1. It’s Verizon guys, come on!

        Most likely December.

  6. Interested to see what soc chipset will be used on this phone.
    Also wonder if this is just exclusive to Verizon only.
    HD screen sounds very impressive, way to go HTC :)

    1. HTC has been using Snapdragon chips forever so

    2. Since it’s a dual-core 1.5GHz, and KRAIT is not out yet, it has to be the S3, MSM8660. This beast will rock. Here’s a rundown of the specs:


      1. it will not be s3 that chip will be out 2012. It will have the same chip that the sensation and evo 3d have

        1. You are wrong. The S3 is out, and has been out for a while. It’s the S4 (Krait / MSM8960) that is not available yet.

          The S3 is the only dual-core chip currently available from Qualcomm, and is also the only currently available Qualcomm chip that is capable of being clocked at 1.5GHz. Plus, if you recall, the benchmark posted for the Vigor (DincHD) on Nenamark in July noted the Adreno 220 GPU. That GPU is part of the S3 chip set, and is not available with the S1 or S2. Again, see the above link. Also see here:


          And, FYI, Evo 3d and Sensation are also S3. They are just clocked at a slower speed. Here’s a couple of links:

          http://www.htc.com/us/products/sensation4g-tmobile#tech-specs (MSM8260); and

          http://www.htc.com/us/products/evo3d-sprint#tech-specs (MSM8660)

    3. this device it is very tempting, but i do not feel it will take the throne way from the bionic because it has the A8 cortex instead of the A9. Maybe the prime will be king if it is not plastic cheap plastic lol. HTC’s devices have nice plastic on their devices.

  7. These specs are looking really good. As much as I dislike the 4.3″ screen and the fact that it is still on gingerbread I think I would go with this instead of the bionic.

    The sad part is 6 months ago I couldn’t wait for my upgrade, but I bought an incredible off of ebay and I’m not in such a hurry anymore.

    1. ICS isn’t even out yet. I dunno what you’d expect. This is as top of the line as it gets.

  8. What?! no Kickstand? Come on HTC, thats the best thing about the TBolt:)

    1. I’d take a larger battery over a kickstand anyday. Plenty of cases have the kickstand

  9. That’s my next phone. Beats tech,dual core, and 1gb of memory. I only fear they would include a QHD pentile display. I don’t care how much it is, I will have one.

    1. You’re afraid it migh be qhd when the phone is called the Droid HD….. k

  10. This will be my next phone.. still rocking the original incredible. I will get major shit though without a kickstand from all my tb owning friends..

    1. You have 2. They are called hands. They hold things.

  11. By definition a qHD display cannot be 720P. *qHD = Quarter High Definition* As for pentile matrix I hope to hell not. Although at 720P it might not look bad. In any case I thought it was supposed to have a 4.5 or 4.6 inch screen?

  12. This phone has everything. ::Everything!:: This is the phone I wish I had waited for. I love my Evo 3D but this phone tops the Evo3D in every way except the 3D screen (which I don’t use very often anymore) For that matter, this phone tops *every* other smartphone coming out. Including the SGS2, any Android, & any iPhone on the market.

    1. if it has the A9 chipset it will defeat the bionic, but then the prime will beat the vigor :)

      1. Actually, it’s not a standard A9. It’s a Qualcomm processor with a custom design running modified ARM instructions. It competes with the A9, but substantially outperforms it while having better power management.

  13. people hating on the bionic saying the vigor is better, psst this only has a 500 Mhz bump and a resolution bump

    1. Only a 500 mhz bump? That’s huge, especially when they are releasing 1 month apart. Just more evidence that the Bionic launched too late.

      1. yea but this device will have not the s3 it will still use the s2 a8 cortex :) Bionic is using the best there is omap 430 ddr2 and more features than this device, bigger battery life as well. Like i have said before if the prime is not plastic and it has the omap 460 1.5 mhz, it will king

        1. Wrong again. Try doing some research before you post fantasy as fact. The chip set in the DincHD / Vigor will outperform the OMAP 4460 too- there is no change in architecture from the 4430 to 4460, just a higher clock speed.

          That said, the Bionic is indeed a nice phone; raw power only makes up part of the user experience. If you like the Bionic and are happy with it- great. That’s your choice and opinion. For you, that’s all that should matter because you are the one who uses your phone every day, not anyone else.

    2. Not quite. Compare the chipset in the IncHD to the OMAP in the Bionic (see my earlier post for a link to the tech specs). The differences are far greater than a 500MHz clock speed increase and a resolution bump.

    3. What else is there then? Stop trying to defend spending $300 on outdated technology. Cryonic users knew all too well it was a mid-range phone when it came out.

      1. outdated technology lol. You just showed us that you do not know anything about technology.

        1. 4G LTE is already out. Nothing new there.
          qHD – old technology with old pentile
          Dual-core? Maybe, but at the lowest possible speed

          Tell me something new and higher end this phone has?

          1. I’ve noticed you all over this chain and you sure are vehement about your point of view but it remains that… your point of view, ie: your opinion. You speak of things you have no possible insight into like Verizon’s marketing plan and posit your opinions as irrefutable facts. The Bionic is mixed in right next to the Charge and the other 4G phones in my area but don’t bother yourself with that fact.. it doesn’t mix in well with your assumptions.

            It’s ok that you think the Bionic is crap and that it was outdated upon release, etc… you’re entitled to your OPINION.

            Now that I’ve seen so many of your posts I wonder, who are you trying to convince?

            The “pure and simple” facts here are that the Bionic is an excellent phone and was a major upgrade for many people. It didn’t work for you, obviously, but it does work for many. Some people really like small cars while others prefer bigger.

          2. Amen Scott. A thoughtful response. The type that is getting quite rare here where childish “brand X sucks!” is the most common refrain.

            Personally,I lean toward Moto products as my first choice, HTC second, and pretty much dislike Samsung. (My tastes) Samsung would have to produce something truly incredible (pardon the pun) to sway me.

      2. I am not sure who you are trying to convince. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but at the end of the day it is just that, your opinion. Your opinion may or may not jive with the needs of anyone but you. I currently have an HTC thunderbolt and I am giving it to my girlfriend so I can buy the Bionic.

        I will never buy another HTC phone. I am going back to Moto.

        1. Don’t judge HTC by the thunderbolt. Both my Evo and Evo 3D are phenomenal products. The Thunderbolt was a fluke imo.

    4. The bionic will blow this device way. Moto did a good job leaving it at 1 ghz to conserve battery :) They also added the ddr2 that is the best one to this date. HDMI mirror zumocast webdock etc. Moto is on a class of its own when it comes to features, speaker, call quality, build quality and hardware :) samsung comes second

      1. Lol. Not even close. Compare the chip sets in these two phones with one another. Compare the Nenamark results that the Bionic reviewers are getting vs. those posted by the DincHD (Vigor) in July. The DincHD scored almost 10 points higher while driving 2.5x the pixels of the Bionic.

        And by the way, the DincHD has DDR2 memory as well…

  14. Wow, I feel sorry for the people who jumped on the Bionic. Bet its the same price!

  15. is it really that hard for them to spend some money on battery research? i mean hire a group of engineers and order them to invent a new type of battery.

  16. I don’t think this 720p can match up with the prime and I will take Samsung hardware over HTC anyday. Lets see how the battery holds on this one and super amoled plus is still in a class of its own.

    1. Moto has the best hardware then samsung

  17. News Flash: Verizon Wireless just announced that they will eliminate the 14 day return policy. The reason is there are too many Bionic owners crying that they over paid for a phone that was not as good as what came out months ago. They are pissed off that the phone was sold at a premium, outdated when it came out, and unable to compete with what is out 4 weeks later.

    Sorry Cryonic owners.

    1. You seem hurt lol

      1. Hurt, no. I am a realist. The Bionic was a great phone if released in June. Releasing it in September with these subpar specs was stupid. Then to charge $300 for it?

        The biggest disappointment of the phone is the display. qHD and pentile suck, pure and simple. Every VZW store by me has the marketing machine in place. They do not have the Bionic next to any other device. The reason is they do not want people to be able to compare the screens side-by-side. Why is that? Because the screen is horrible and outdated.

        1. Dude, what are you talking about? I’ve been to three Verizon stores in Connecticut (where I work) and two in Pennsylvania (where I live) and all five have the Bionic right there with the other 4G phones.

        2. I went to one in AZ here and they had it with the other 4g phones as well and that was exactly the reason why I didn’t buy it. The screen completely disappointed me! next to the other phones it looked horrible!!!! soo glad I didn’t waste my money on it as I was ready to but it till that point. Can’t wait to get my hands on the HTC!!!!

  18. returning my bionic that I got yesterday. phone is good, dont get me wrong, but theres a few hardware problems I can def. live without, especially that annoying as hell earbud squeal (http://www.minyanville.com/dailyfeed/2011/09/13/the-biggest-droid-bionic-glitch/)

  19. First time actually reading the comments………hmmm.

  20. I am so ready to get this phone… I loved the Droid Incredible and if this gets re-branded the Incredible HD, I will be thrilled and it will be on my hip as soon as possible.

  21. I’m getting about 34 hours with Sense 3 overclocked to 1.4 ghz on my thunderbolt with verizon extended 2750, about 16 with the stock battery. I think this combination on the vigor will have killer battery life.

  22. How much does the Ram not being DDR2 hurt it. How will this run comapered to the Bionic which features high speed computer grade memory? The freaking Runnymeade/Bass features DDR2 with a 1.5 single core, with a 4.7 screen. I’m not a computer genius….let me know.

  23. Why does the Bass/Runnymeade have a 1.5ghz with DDR3 ram? And a 4.7″ screen. How much does performace computer grade memory help?

  24. Crap. Now I have to sell my EVO 3D!

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