
Verzo Kinzo Coming Next Month, Company’s Android Smartphone Debut


We haven’t heard of Verzo before and you probably haven’t either as their entire website is coming soon. But according to an exclusive over on Engadget, they’ve got an Android phone lined up for a September debut and we’re eager to see what the startup can produce.

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It’s name sounds like a Hollywood Ninja or the weapon a ninja would wield, but make no mistake, the Verzo Kinza is very much an Android Phone. Judging by the pictures it’s a bit chunky, something the company isn’t trying to hide. The first paragraph of their press release was – in one word – refreshing:

It seems to be a general rule these days that anytime there is a new mobile device introduced to the market (it does not matter whether it is introduced by a new or well established com- pany), their press releases are presenting it as if the device would bring some great change to the field and forever change the current state of affairs. This is not the case of VERZO.

We are new, we are here, we want to be heard and seen, but we are not going to claim that we are going to change everything what are the owners of smartphones used to. We are definitely not going to scare off Apple and Samsung by our entry to the market, so they would have to call board meetings and hold press conferences. On the contrary – the VERZO brand is letting you know right from the start that we are not the slimmest, fastest or the best. For now.

We’re unsure of both hardware and software specs but we’re eager to get the full scoop on what seems like a promising company. With the Kinzo being offered online in a month or so, details should be imminent. Online sales will be followed by distribution to the United States and Europe, followed by other regions. Whether or not a major retailer or carrier picks up the distribution contract remains to be seen… but we’ll be sure to keep you in the loop.

Here is the rest of the press release:

VERZO and Community

At the same time we want to let you know that we are going to be different and that we have a clear vision and we know exactly where we are going. The VERZO brand is officially letting you know that it exists and in the next 6 weeks we are going to offer all smartphone-lovers our first model named Kinzo. VERZO Kinzo combines our desire to produce original and novel products with functional design, plus we hope to make our products user-friendly, reliable and open to suggestions.

Saying that we are open to suggestions could mean anything. What we really mean is that the VERZO brand will actively listen to its customers. Here at VERZO we represent the generation used to online forums and social networks or communities, so we know what a strong and well organized community can achieve. For this reason, every product leaving VERZO factory will have a very close link between the brand and the user. Our products are designed to listen to their users.

If the users do not like something, we will know. If they demand something, we will know. If they have some dream or suggestion towards the VERZO brand or the model Kinzo, we will know. VERZO Kinzo is, however, not only counting on the original design from Novague studio and the community connection, but it is also bringing its own graphic solution for the popular Android OS.


Our personalized VERZO interface was not developed just to be different from the rest of the world, but mainly because we wanted to get the most from the Android system. We believe that we were successful now and we want to be even better in the future. Kinzo is therefore offering you Android with VERZO face.

How to buy Kinzo?

The sale of Kinzo will begin at the end of September. Complete information about our first smartphone with full technical specifications, photographs, 3D model, videos, all features and the price will be released during the second half of September 2011.

The sale itself will be launched online on our official VERZO e-shop which will be accessible at www.verzo.com. From there we will be shipping the Kinzo to all the countries of the European Union and also the USA. Other countries will be added later this year or in the beginning of the next year. For now we are planning to add China, Russian Federation, countries of South America and the Middle east. One of the advantages of getting a VERZO smartphone is our dedication to provide easy and responsive customer service.

Other details

Smartphone VERZO Kinzo was designed and developed in Europe, and the production takes place in designated factory in Taiwan. The official web is going to be launched in its first phase (containing basic information about the product and first pictures) during the night from 29th to 30th of August.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. And another god damn unnecessary custom UI overlay to stank up the market…

  2. Sure to be a failure of a company. Either their phones won’t sell; or if they do, they will be sued for patent infringement with no patent portfolio of their own to protect themselves.

    1. I didn’t even think of that. Sad but possibly true.

      Actually, in reality they probably won’t die so much as get bought out by a larger corp that can defend themselves in court (such as HTC or Samsung). Corporations rarely truly die and disappear without a trace these days.

  3. Looks like they tried to take a hint from the webOS UI.

  4. 3…2…1..


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