
RadioShack Evo 3D Launch Party – Unboxing [Video]


Alright. So we just received our HTC Evo 3D courtesy of Radio Shack and I decided to film an unboxing video – right on the hood of the Green Hornet car. LMFAO just took the stage (exactly as I predicted), Amber Rose walked through the door right now and there are tons of celebs. The kind you don’t know their name and you have to think a little bit about which movie they were in but celebs none the less. Enough about that. Let’s get back to the real focus of the show. The HTC Evo 3D. I’ve also got good word that one lucky Phandroid user will be going home with this in an upcoming contest but you didn’t hear that from me..

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Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

We Have Arrived – RadioShack’s Pre-Release Launch Party for the HTC Evo 3D

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  1. the word “celebrity” is such a misnomer..

  2. CCCCChris, do you like colorful rainbow boxes?

  3. CCCCrap. Does anybody else’s SwiftKey X type multiple letters at the beginning of a sentence in a website? Mine does, as you can probably see.

    1. Same here, it’s funny in the changelog for Swiftkey X it says they fixed the multiple letters bug. But ever since i updated i get like 5 multiple letters that can’t be deleted sometimes.

  4. Was the winner of the Google I/O Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1 ever announced?

  5. Oh well the time has come to claim my dualcore goodness in the city that never sleeps. It’s evo 3d time in 32mins…

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