
Target Cancelling ASUS Eee Pad Transformer Pre-Orders


If you’ve already pre-ordered the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer through Target and are waiting for the Android Stork to drop that baby on your porch – don’t get your hopes up. We’ve gotten several reports from readers claiming Target sent them an E-Mail indicating their pre-order is cancelled, citing inability to procure the device from their suppliers. We’ve got yet to verify, but enough tips have come in that we’re pretty confident it’s true.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

This could be great news for ASUS if Target’s cancellation is due to demand largely outpacing supply with retail channels getting their stock units axed. Unfortunately, we learned yesterday that it’s more likely to a component shortage – ASUS doesn’t have the supplies they need to MAKE the darn things. I’m sorry to say that “sure thing” pre-order is good for nothing and you’ve either got to fight your way to finding another Transformer elsewhere or set your sights on something else.

Feel free to bitch about it in the ASUS Forum. We’ve got word into Target asking about details and will report back with anything of substance.

UDPATE: Here is the e-mail users are receiving

Thank you for shopping at

Unfortunately, the following item is not currently available from any of our sources.

Asus Eee Pad Transformer 10.1″ Android Tablet (TF101-A1) with 16GB Hard Drive, 1GB Memory – Black/Brown

We have cancelled this item from your order.

To view the current status and the costs associated with your order, please visit My Account (

Because you only pay for items when we ship them to you, your credit card has not been charged for this item.

Thank you for being a valued Guest. We hope you visit us again.


Guest Service Department

UPDATE 2: Although some reports have said that the email may have been an error as on-site orders are still showing as “open”, our original tipster has chimed back in to let us know the status on his order at Target’s website is listed as the following: “This order has been cancelled.” That doesn’t sound good. Let’s hope this is just a slight hiccup for one of the most sought-after tablets to launch this year.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. What’s up with all the articles today Rob? It has been a long time since you posted this many in one day.

    1. It’s part of a new plan at Phandroid. I do a lot of behind the scenes stuff but need to start carrying my weight in terms of content. Plus I miss writing :)

      1. This rocks. I always enjoy reading your articles. Just sayin.

  2. My order was cancelled :-(

  3. Mine too….

  4. Does this affect the pre-orders placed through Amazon’s Target partnership?

  5. Just received notification also. Too bad. Had my hopes up for ASUS with this one.. Back to the hunt for a great tab at a reasonable price…..

  6. My order and my co-worker’s order were also canceled. If these aren’t going to be available until mid-June, I think I’ll just hold-off and wait for the next round of Tegra-3 processor based tablets. This is a huge miss for Asus. Really a shame.

  7. I called Target and they said my order wasnt actually cancelled but what they sent was more of a notification as to they don’t actually know when they will have them in stock, but if you go into your account on you will still see it is open. But who really knows when your talking to an India call center.

    1. I called and was also told that it was still an active order in their system, and that it was now “out of stock”. Guess time will tell.

  8. Glad I bought my Iconia. If you haven’t gotten one already check it out you will be very happy with it.

  9. In other words Apple told Target they’re going to pull the ipad if Target sells the Asus tablet. Typical Apple douchebaggery at it’s worst.

  10. lol @dick hurtzer….. I confirmed with my Target account..even though I got the cancellation email, the order is still there….so should i wait and be hopeful or just jump on the next in stock somewhere…

  11. I also received the email. So I called Target and they said it was a “computer issue” and that the order was NOT canceled. I asked for a confirmation email which they agreed to send “within 24 hours”.

    1. Well turns out that now it’s gone from my target account too. So this was real not a glitch.

  12. i got an email too. this blows

  13. Where’s the 32GB version!?!?!?!

  14. I want a case like that for my nook color. Has anyone seen or found one that isn’t leather?

  15. It’s true, mine was canceled too! DERP!

  16. Yea I got this message from them earlier today. This sux so much.

  17. Yeah, not only am I not going to get to use my 10% off coupon, I bought 3 target gift cards online to save a few bucks, now I’m stuck with them and there call center in India is useless. The shouldn’t let people preorder if this was a possibility.

  18. What ever happened to the EEE Slider? That looked way more appealing to me.

  19. I called Target, they said they cancelled it and they also could not offer me a raincheck on this item… I got the e-mail asking if the person I spoke to resolved my question, clicked no and have since submitted this e-mail

    “I recently ordered an Asus Transformer tablet through your online site. I was able to successfully submit my pre-order online. The fact that Target cancels my pre-order due to uncertainty of stock is bogus. Target has the option to kill the ability to purchase an item online by killing the link which they did a few hours after the product went live on the site. I am an educated consumer and do a significant amount of research before I spend my hard earned dollars toward a product. My quarrel is not that Target does not have any in stock nor do they know if they ever will but that I paid a certain price at a certain time for the item and that transaction was a successful transaction. If target could issue me a raincheck that will honor the price that both parties Target and myself agreed at (including gift cards used) then I have no issue or grief toward Target and this issue will be deemed resolved. However, the people I have spoke to via Target customer service were not able to produce what should be expected of Target.”

  20. Anti-trust lawsuit against Apple. If they can rape Microsoft for a monopoly, now is a good time to go after Apple. When you choke a competitor’s supply chain, you are a monopoly.

    So says the nukka.

  21. I got it canceled, called to have it re-instated, but since it was out of stock they could not do that. So yeah…it’s canceled…

  22. I got the email shown in your article Rob…word for word. Order canceled by Target!!!

  23. Forget stupid Target .They cancel my order too and I m very happy I find better deal on $398 minus $10 if you use code LOYALTY10

    1. thanks for the info…just order…no tax, free shipping. I order Dj equipments from them before….very competitive price. lets hope they dont pull a “Target”.

    2. Thanks a bunch for the tip. Hope Abe’s comes through and ships the product!

      To anyone interested in buying the keyboard dock as well as the TF101-A1 (16 GB) or just the TF101-B1 (32GB) that will get the order total over $400 and LOYALTY15 code can be used for $15 off. Or any combination of products ordered to get the $398 price over $400 allows use of LOYALTY15 code. I also used Big Crumbs cash back for 2.4% additional off the order total (via cash back… this 2.4% discount will not be shown in the invoice) as you will get the 2.4%back in your Big Crumbs account in a month or so from ship date of the Transformer.

      Thanks again, tadek for the heads up on this. Saved me a bunch of money and I may even get the keyboard dock deliver too if ASUS supply chain problems don’t work against us.

      Good luck to all….

  24. i placed through amazon/target and i got the email as well … order is cancelled

  25. My order got cancled today as we’ll. Same exact email and same status when I go to check order status online. I guess I have to wait longer…

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